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UIRDUIRD Uttarakhand Institute of Rural Developemnt, Rudrapur, USN.

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Presentation on theme: "UIRDUIRD Uttarakhand Institute of Rural Developemnt, Rudrapur, USN."— Presentation transcript:

1 UIRDUIRD Uttarakhand Institute of Rural Developemnt, Rudrapur, USN

2 About UIRD

3 Established in the Year September, 2002 An autonomous training and capacity building institute registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860

4 VISION VISION To examine and analyze the factors contributing to the improvement of economic and social well being of people in rural areas on a sustainable basis with focus on rural poor and other disadvantaged groups through research, action research and consultancy efforts. To facilitate the rural development efforts with particular emphasis and focus on the rural poor by improving the knowledge skills and attitudes of rural development officials and non-officials through organizing training, workshops and seminars.

5 MISSION To develop competent human resource for rural governance and perform as a Center of Excellence in the field for the Rural Development Branch by assisting the department in developing good governance and management of rural areas.

6 MANDATE  Foundation and Professional Trainings  Skill Development Trainings  Refresher Trainings  Project Making  Seminar and Workshops

7  Various consultancy work under financed schemes  Exhibition / Fairs on Rural Technology and Industry.  Research Projects and Evalution Study  Documentation and Publication

8 BENEFICIARIES  Senior Policy makers of Govt. of India and State Govt.  Institutions of Panchayati Raj  Employees of State Development Departments  Officers and Development functionaries from other states

9  Representative and Specialist from National and International organizations  Trainers of Training Institutes  Representatives of NGOs  Small Rural Entrepreneurs  Researchers and Students

10 Administration Sri Ajay Joshi, IAS, DG, Chairman, Executive Committee. Sri Y.K. Pant, PCS, Executive Director. Faculty Mr. P.C. Tiwari, Joint Director Dr. V.S. Shukla, Deputy Director Dr. M. P. Khali, Asst. Director Dr. Dhirendra Shah, Asst. Director

11 VISITING FACULTY 1. Dr. V.P. S. Arora, Vice Chancellor, Kumaon University 2. Dr. H.C. Pokhariyal, Professor, Delhi University 3. Dr. Jeet Ram, Professor, Kumaon University 4. Dr. K.P. Singh, Professor (Retd.), Pantnagar University 5. Sri. P.S. Kutiyal, Additional Director, UAoA, Nainital 6. Sri. H.C. Gairola, Director, Himalayan Community Forestry Centre, Chamoli Forestry Centre, Chamoli 7. Sri. Himanshu Joshi, Asstt. Director, UAoA, Nainital 8. Sri. Rakesh Chauhan, Principal, ETC, Pauri

12 LOCATION The Institute is located at a distance of approximately 14 kms from G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar on Delhi Road at Rudrapur in U. S. Nagar district, that is popularly known to be the harbinger of Green Revolution with lush green surroundings at the foothills of the Himalayas. The institute has been established in 45 acres of land in the heart of Rudrapur city. Rudrapur is well connected with bus services, as it is a main stoppage of buses plying on Panipat - Khatima and Delhi-Nainital highways. People coming from Delhi and Lucknow can avail train facilities to reach here. UIRD is 1 kms away from bus station and 3 kms from railway station.

13 THRUST AREAS OF THE INSTITUTE The Institute shall strive to function and contribute in the following thrust areas.  Capacity building in the context of 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act.  Rural Development & Panchayati Raj with a focus on elected representatives particularly women functionaries and NGOs.  Socio-economic upliftment and empowerment of rural women through capacity building initiatives.  Participatory management of development initiatives  Capacity building in the field of water and sanitation sector.

14  Watershed development through monitoring and evaluation & Training.  Training of Trainers (ToT)  Training Need Identification (TNA) and Impact Assessment studies.  Rural tourism development and capacity building.  Rural housing Earthquake resistant housing, low cost rural housing.  Rural credit and financing, rural marketing.  Integrated horticulture and organic farming.  Rural energy programme.  Rural information technology and e-governance.

15 Year Total Trainings Total Participants 2002-0324388 2003-04511229 2004-05421007 2005-0628644 2006-07732066 2007-08571344 2008-09722332 2009-10902517 2010-11 (Till December 2010) 902123 Work Progress - Training Programmes

16 Panchayati Raj Training Programme Trained Participants (Year 2004-05) Total Elected Representatives………44815 Male……..……………………………….27649 Female…..……………………………….17166 Total Official Functionaries …………..2225 Male……………………………….….……1822 Female………………………………………..75 Total Trained Participants …………...47040

17 Proposed Training Programmes (2010-11) Sl. Proposed Training Name of Training Programme No. of Trainings No. of Participants 1- Capacity Building Training under RGSY Scheme 351328 2- Capacity Building Training under Watershed Scheme 24678 3- Computer Training 11275 4- Capacity Building Training For District Level officials under SGSY Scheme 17450 5- Capacity Building Training For Block Level officials under SGSY Scheme 22550 6- Consumer Awareness Training Programme 06150 7- Forest Act Training Programme 0125 8- Community Participation in Water and Sanitation 0125 9- NIRD Collaboration 05150 10- NREGS Training 04120 11- Foundation Course for BDOs 0115 Total1273766

18 Facilities available at UIRD Campus 1- Administrative Block 2- Library Block 3- Training/Academic Block 4- Hostel and Mess 5- Residential Quarters

19 Photographs of UIRD Campus Building

20 Nanda Devi Hostel (for Females)

21 OM Hostel

22 Kailash Hostel

23 Trishul Hostel

24 Reception and Mess Block

25 Lab to Land Initiative Uttarakhand Institute of Rural Development UIRD Campus Rudrapur, Udhamsingh Nagar Uttarakhand



28 District- Udhamsingh Nagar Total No. of Blocks - 07 –Rudrapur –Jaspur –Bazpur –Gadarpur –Khatima –Sitarganj –Kashipur

29 The Uttarakhand Government has selected Block – Rudrapur of District- Udhamsingh Nagar for the implementation of Lab to Land initiative.

30 DISTRICT UDHAMSINGH NAGAR BLOCK RUDRAPUR AT A GLANCE Total No. of Gram Panchayats-45 Total Population –109730 Male-58273 Female-51757 Total No. of Revenue Villages -88 Total No. of Nyay Panchayats-05 Total Population of Scheduled Caste-16519 Total population of OBC's-43624 Other -50978

31 Total Nos. of BPL Families -10052 SC families under BPL -2693 OBC families under BPL-4801 ST families under BPL-01 Others-2548 Total No. of families in the Block -18927 Total No. of Gram Pradhan -45 Total No. of BDC Members -40 Zila Panchayat Members -04 Co operative societies-13

32 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS - Primary Schools -88 Junior High Schools -25 Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools-42

33 What has been done – Identified District-Udhamsingh Nagar Block-Rudrapur Meeting held with District Level Officer and BDO of Rudrapur Block Selection of Bharat Nirman volunteers is in progress Work is going on satisfactory

34 Being Planned - Intensive Training to functionaries and elected Representatives IEC Activities Partnership with NGOs

35 Methodology- Awareness through print and electronic media. Exposure to Best Practices Case study approach to teaching Nukkad Nataks, Songs/drama etc.

36 Material Development- Video Films Wall Hangings Flip Charts Wall Writings Development handbooks

37 On Going programmes in selected block of District Udhamsingh Nagar. -MGNREGA -IAY -SGSY -Credit Cum Subsidy Housing Scheme -Deendayal Housing Scheme -Bio Gas

38 Training and capacity building of Bharat Nirman Volunteers- These Volunteers may be able to play a active role in awareness building about the programme and scheme.



41 Hard work H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%Knowledge K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%

42 Love L+O+V+E 12+15+22+5 = 54%Luck L+U+C+K 12+21+3+11 = 47% (don't most of us think this is the most important???)

43 Then what makes 100%? Money Is it Money?... NO!!!!! [M+O+N+E+Y = 13+15+14+5+25 = 72%] Leadership Leadership?... NO!!!! [L+E+A+D+E+R+S+H+I+P = 12+5+1+4+5+18+19+9+16 = 89% ]

44 Every problem has a solution, only if we perhaps change our attitude. To go to the top, to that 100%, what we really need to go further...a bit more...

45 ATTITUDE A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100% It is OUR ATTITUDE towards Life and Work that makes OUR Life 100%



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