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Alignment Group Pre-K Council Subcommittee Report April 9, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Alignment Group Pre-K Council Subcommittee Report April 9, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alignment Group Pre-K Council Subcommittee Report April 9, 2012

2 Alignment Categories Multiple Pathways for Achieving College and Career Readiness with emphasis on STEM disciplines Statewide Consistency and Communication Early Frequent Dialogue Data Assessment/Sharing

3 Multiple Pathways Additional support for Dual Enrollment-Bill H776 in Legislature- Dual enrollment gives high achieving students opportunity to take college credits and demonstrate commitment to higher ed. Pathways to college Post HS graduation-ongoing work across HE in VT to help families understand how to meet requirements for entry into STEM fields. Articulation agreements between State Colleges and Community Colleges with HS, UVM and CCV, ACCUplacer, expand those programs Clarify role of tech programs-ensure that embedded credits at the Tech Centers have clear descriptions of math/science content Encourage virtual coursework Explore Alternative HS ie Big Picture Program

4 Statewide Consistency Recommendations Communication-all sectors P-16 kept informed of the CCS implementation Website and Wikis for online collaboration Regional meetings to discuss transition strategies Cross Sector Teams- active participation of all sectors with policy makers to define college and career readiness Develop model college prep curric and specify skills needed to be college ready Grad requirements need to be developed Discussion around performance based transcripts Align HS and college standards Share current practices in VT schools and assess success

5 Continued Alignment of K-12 assessments to college admissions VT is committed to SBAC-align curric and GED assessment Colleges create consistent placement standards Summative assessments in HS directly correlate with advancement to graduation Upgrade HS course requirements so students have college and work related curric. Dual enrollment Paired courses Look at courses taken by HS seniors and the entire sequence based on research

6 Early/Frequent Dialogue Professional Development Opportunities Credit bearing opportunities Work with higher ed and the DOE NC work to be referenced

7 Data Assessment Sharing Some facts: rural HS students take a lower number of math courses Press release from DOE: Commissioner and Governor to require Algebra I and Geometry as minimum math requirements for all HS students Resources available for systems that are in place Expensive (will we have the resources in VT to institute such a system?)

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