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Meeting 10 – 3/27/2008.  FPGA: Field programmable gate array  I/O: Input/Output  cRIO: Compact Reconfigurable I/O  LabVIEW: Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting 10 – 3/27/2008.  FPGA: Field programmable gate array  I/O: Input/Output  cRIO: Compact Reconfigurable I/O  LabVIEW: Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting 10 – 3/27/2008

2  FPGA: Field programmable gate array  I/O: Input/Output  cRIO: Compact Reconfigurable I/O  LabVIEW: Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench  FTP: File transfer protocol  USB: Universal serial bus  VR: Voltage Regulator  RC: Resistor*Capacitor  VU Motorsports: Vanderbilt University Motorsports  NCAA: National Collegiate Athletic Association  FR: Front-Right

3 GUI and Data Analysis IEEE 802.11b Wireless Communication 10Base-T Data Acquisition System Signal/Power Conditioning FRONT SENSORS Shock Position / VelocityLat. / Long. AccelerationSteering PositionBrake PressureTachometer REAR SENSORS Shock Position / VelocityOil PressureWheel SpeedTemperatureThrottle Position

4  Steering position sensor online  Wheel speed sensors received  FR wheel mount  Continuing tachometer LabVIEW development  Brake pressure transducer received  Wiring harness components ordered  “Stage 2” testing of wireless range  Ordered enclosures

5 FR Wheel Speed  Proximity sensor  Voltage channel is online in LabVIEW  Converting data to numeric RPM in progress

6 Steering position sensor  Rotary potentiometer  Functioning in LabVIEW (see next)

7 Steering angle added to front panel

8 Brake pressure transducer

9 Wiring harness connectors

10  Mount 3 more potentiometers  LabVIEW coding (FPGA & real-time)  Tachometer/RPM math  Mount 3 more wheel speed sensors  Mount Brake pressure sensor

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