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ACTION PLAN I ActivitiesDuration Target group OutputAssumptions Hold a seminar to share skills/experiences learnt ½ day All department members Gained information.

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Presentation on theme: "ACTION PLAN I ActivitiesDuration Target group OutputAssumptions Hold a seminar to share skills/experiences learnt ½ day All department members Gained information."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACTION PLAN I ActivitiesDuration Target group OutputAssumptions Hold a seminar to share skills/experiences learnt ½ day All department members Gained information about SIAP techniques and material Projector/soft ware/ Organize a workshop on CSPro: train staff on data entry application/tabula tion 5 working days Data entry staff/enumer ators/data analysts Qualified staff/improv ed data capturing and analysis procedures Training facility/assist ance from supervisor Enhance my colleagues’ ICT and statistical capacity using skills gained from SIAP training course

2 Stage a workshop on Stata:  Transfer skills on merging CSPro data files and converting them into CSV, SPSS, STATA, SAS files for analysis 1 day Data analysts/docu mentation resource members Trained staff/tabul ations available under different formats Availability of SAS and CSV software/Invol vement of head of department

3  Share skills on data mining to show how to analyze/identify relationships between indicators and to interpret the underlying relationships ½ day Data analysts/trai nees/resear chers Qualified staff/better formulation of policies/imp roved report outputs Availability of Stata version 9.2 and SPSS version 15

4 Organize a workshop on PowerPoint presentation 2 days Statisticians /computer scientists Trained staff/improved communication procedures Projector/c ooperation of staff and manageme nt Share my team working skills and personal experiences ½ day Department members Improved working environment; ability to work in a multicultural/m ultiracial team Colleagues’ interest



7 Project Description Indicators Means of Verification Assumption s Goal: To improve Senegal Statistical System’s ability in managing/ monitoring/disseminati ng MDGs indicators in line with international regulations Monitor achievements of MDGs National/International MDGs reports Commitmen t and prioritizatio n of MDGs by the Senegal government Outcome: Design, develop and operate a MDGs indicators database management system Number of MDGs indicators newly compiled Compare former MDGs indicators system against new system Availability of human and financial resources

8 Outputs A: Staff are able to train on/apply the techniques of using DevInfo/ MS Access for MDGs indicators compilation  Number of trainees who are able to manipulate DevInfo/MA Access at the end of workshops  Number of Hardware/software made available to the staff by the management  Number of MDGs indicators newly compiled by the staff  Assessment of the trainees after the end of the workshops  Conduct of feedback from trainees  Coordination between UNSIAP and Agency for National Statistics & Demography (ANSD/Senegal)  Support and cooperation of ANSD with my action plan

9 Major Activities: 1. 1. Demonstration sessions on how to use DevInfo/ MS Access to manage MDGs indicators Number of sessions held Official records Collaboration of ANSD officials 2. 2. Study of UNMDGs Indicators database/affiliat ed databases; internet search, to extend knowledge on MDGs statistics Number of MDGs indicators extracted Number of database/internet search tools available Collaboration of UN office based in Senegal and access to UN publications and websites

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