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Monday, October 3, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, October 3, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, October 3, 2011

2 Materials Triple beam balance Light microscope Dissecting microscope
Slides and cover slips Petri dishes Pipettes Paper towels Scoops Tape Sharpies Tweezers Soil Samples

3 Agenda Microscope lecture Collect soils data Play with samples
Record observations

4 Soil Samples Get out your soil samples and get the dry weight of each sample Record your results: soil dry mass and water mass

5 General Microscope Care
Always carry with 2 hands Only use lens paper for cleaning Do not force knobs Keep objects clear of desk and cords Teacher demonstrates how to hold the microscope, where the lens paper is located and how to use it. Students will be invited to turn the knobs and observe the stage as it moves up and down. Teacher will demonstrate how to store the microscope.

6 Light Microscope Parts
Eyepiece Body Tube Revolving Nosepiece Arm Objective Lens Stage Stage Clips Coarse Focus This is the exact version of the microscope used in class. Students will be identifying the parts on the microscopes at their desks as we go along and what their functions are. Diaphragm Fine Focus Light Base

7 Using the Light Microscope
Always observe using the LOWEST POWER objective first. Focus using the COARSE ADJUSTMENT KNOB to bring the object into focus. Bring the object into sharp focus by using the fine adjustment knob. Focus, and then move to a higher power objective, if needed. Use only the FINE ADJUSTMENT KNOB when using the HIGHEST (longest) POWER OBJECTIVE. Keep both eyes open to reduce eyestrain. Determine total magnification of the object by multiplying the power of the ocular (10x) the power by the power of the objective.

8 Preparing a Slide Using a pipette or dropper, add a drop of water or another solvent to a clean microscope slide. Then, place the specimen in the water. Place the edge of a coverslip on the slide so that it touches the edge of the water. Slowly lower the coverslip to prevent the formation of air bubbles.

9 Dissecting Microscope Parts

10 Activity Make a slide for each of your water samples (take sample from the bottom). Observe under low power and high power Record observations Add a scoop of each soil sample to a labeled petri dish

11 Field Notebook Observations
For each drawing include the following information: Date Sample Site Name and Number Magnification Drawing General observations

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