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Genesis, chapter 5 Adam 0 AC – 930 AC Adam 0 AC – 930 AC Seth 130 AC -1042 AC Seth 130 AC -1042 AC Enosh235 AC-1140AC Enosh235 AC-1140AC Kenan325 AC -1235.

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Presentation on theme: "Genesis, chapter 5 Adam 0 AC – 930 AC Adam 0 AC – 930 AC Seth 130 AC -1042 AC Seth 130 AC -1042 AC Enosh235 AC-1140AC Enosh235 AC-1140AC Kenan325 AC -1235."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genesis, chapter 5 Adam 0 AC – 930 AC Adam 0 AC – 930 AC Seth 130 AC -1042 AC Seth 130 AC -1042 AC Enosh235 AC-1140AC Enosh235 AC-1140AC Kenan325 AC -1235 AC Kenan325 AC -1235 AC Mahalalel395 AC -1290 AC Mahalalel395 AC -1290 AC Jared460 AC -1422 AC Jared460 AC -1422 AC Enoch622 AC - 987 AC Enoch622 AC - 987 AC Methusaleh687 AC – 1656 AC Methusaleh687 AC – 1656 AC Compare with year of flood. His name means “when he dies, it shall be sent.” Enoch used his son’s name as prophecy. Lamech874 AC – 1651 AC Lamech874 AC – 1651 AC Noah1056 AC – 2006 AC Noah1056 AC – 2006 AC First born after Adam’s death. Flood Event1656 AC (2459 BC) Flood Event1656 AC (2459 BC) Shem1559 AC – 2058 AC Shem1559 AC – 2058 AC Arphaxad1659 AC – 2062 AC Arphaxad1659 AC – 2062 AC Shelah1694 AC – 2097 AC Shelah1694 AC – 2097 AC Eber1724 AC – 2154 AC Eber1724 AC – 2154 AC Peleg1758 AC – 1967 AC Peleg1758 AC – 1967 AC Tower of Babel. Reu1788 AC – 1995 AC Reu1788 AC – 1995 AC Serug1820 AC – 2020 AC Serug1820 AC – 2020 AC Nahor1850 AC – 1969 AC Nahor1850 AC – 1969 AC Terah1879 AC – 2084 AC Terah1879 AC – 2084 AC Abram1949 AC – 2124 AC Abram1949 AC – 2124 AC Isaac2049 AC – 2229 AC Isaac2049 AC – 2229 AC Jacob2109 AC – 2256 AC Jacob2109 AC – 2256 AC Life in Egypt begins 2239 AC. Moses born 2589 AC or 1528 BC. Exodus occurs 2669 AC or 1448 BC. These match up to 1 Kings 6:1. This puts the year of creation at 4115 BC.

2 Noah Means comfort. Means comfort. The first to be born in this lineage after Adam’s death. The first to be born in this lineage after Adam’s death.

3 Lamech This is debated. Some think it means to be made low in grief. This is debated. Some think it means to be made low in grief.

4 Methusaleh When he dies, it shall be sent. When he dies, it shall be sent. Methusaleh died in the year of the Flood – 1666 AC (after creation). Methusaleh died in the year of the Flood – 1666 AC (after creation).

5 Enoch Means devoted. Means devoted.

6 Jared Means “he shall rule” Means “he shall rule”

7 Mahalel Means “the God who is praised” Means “the God who is praised”

8 Kenan Means posession Means posession

9 Enosh Means mortal, destined to die. Means mortal, destined to die.

10 Seth Means appointed. Means appointed.

11 A Hidden Message? Some think so. Some think so. Adam - Man Seth - Appointed Enosh – Mortal Kenan – Possession Mahalalel – The blessed God Jared – Shall come down Enoch – Teaching Methuselah – His death shall bring Lamech – Despairing Noah – Comfort and rest

12 A Hidden Message? Man (is) given mortality as an inheritance. The blessed God shall come down in faithfulness. When He dies, strength and comfort shall be sent.

13 Cain and His Descendants Two Lines and Two Realms The Bible tells us that Cain and Abel were not the only descendants of Adam and Eve. Genesis 5:4 says that later Adam begot more sons and daughters. But Cain and Abel stand out from the other descendants because they represent the two manners of life.

14 Cain Being Sent Away from God's Presence Enoch – Devoted Irad – Rebellious Mehujael – God wipes out. Methushael - Man of God Lamech – To make low.

15 Cain Being Sent Away from God's Presence ???. I really doubt you can say with certainty that the names have a hidden meaning, but it is interesting. God will wipe out those dedicated to rebellion. The man of God is humble.

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