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Atmospheric Technology Division Rain In Cumulus over the Ocean Jorgen Jensen, Jeff Stith, Teresa Campos, Mary Barth, Dave Rogers NCAR science to complement.

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Presentation on theme: "Atmospheric Technology Division Rain In Cumulus over the Ocean Jorgen Jensen, Jeff Stith, Teresa Campos, Mary Barth, Dave Rogers NCAR science to complement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atmospheric Technology Division Rain In Cumulus over the Ocean Jorgen Jensen, Jeff Stith, Teresa Campos, Mary Barth, Dave Rogers NCAR science to complement investigators’ research : Cloud structure, chemistry, CCN activation & droplet growth Cloud structure, chemistry, CCN activation & droplet growth – Trace gases  air mass exchange & mixing – Cloud water chemistry (pH, fast-response real-time) Aerosol particles Aerosol particles –effects of cloud processing –particle production, sea-spray & droplet evaporation Instrument operation & performance Instrument operation & performance – cloud & aerosol particle probes, air sample inlets, RDMA, CN, pH RICO Science Meeting Feb 2004

2 Atmospheric Technology Division Testing coalescence rates Complete aerosol spectrumComplete aerosol spectrum Condensation + Monte-Carlo coalescenceCondensation + Monte-Carlo coalescence Use observed entrainment source & fraction (conserved tracer analysis)Use observed entrainment source & fraction (conserved tracer analysis) Within observed “cloud age” (reactive tracer analysis &/or radar)Within observed “cloud age” (reactive tracer analysis &/or radar) Tracing aerosols through multiple drop coalescenceTracing aerosols through multiple drop coalescence Predict aerosol size distributions in cloud-processed airPredict aerosol size distributions in cloud-processed air What is the sea-salt balance?What is the sea-salt balance?

3 Atmospheric Technology Division Compare observations & model results

4 Atmospheric Technology Division Dry aerosol size spectra

5 Atmospheric Technology Division Giant Nuclei Impactor

6 Atmospheric Technology Division Particle growth in humidity chamber

7 Atmospheric Technology Division Analysis of microscope images

8 Atmospheric Technology Division

9 Trace gas analyses fast ozone, DMS, CO

10 Atmospheric Technology Division CO variability in marine boundary layer

11 Atmospheric Technology Division



14 Dropsize as function of aerosol size

15 Atmospheric Technology Division Compare observations & model results

16 Atmospheric Technology Division Aerosol Processing How does cloud processing modify the aerosol size distribution in the detrained air ?How does cloud processing modify the aerosol size distribution in the detrained air ? –Predict detrained size distributions based on mixing of cloud-base & entrained air –Compare predictions vs aerosol size distributions in detrained air

17 Atmospheric Technology Division What is the sea-salt balance? Generation rate = function of wind speedGeneration rate = function of wind speed Observed size distribution in BLObserved size distribution in BL Removal through dry deposition (stability dependent)Removal through dry deposition (stability dependent) IGNORE CLOUDS & PRECIPITATION !IGNORE CLOUDS & PRECIPITATION !

18 Atmospheric Technology Division Compare clouds in other meteorological meteorological regimes Comparison of kinematic and microphysical properties with those of deeper tropical convection in clean regions. (Stith)Comparison of kinematic and microphysical properties with those of deeper tropical convection in clean regions. (Stith) –Our recent studies indicate many similarities in the droplet/precipitation spectra (LWC, particle types) from clean tropical regions. These likely result from similar background levels of CCN, but are also a reflection of their similar kinematic (updraft, entrainment) properties. We hope to compare these data with that from the smaller clouds observed in RICO, which should have different kinematic properties, but similar CCN. Brazil Kwajalein (Source Anderson et al 2004; Stith et al 2002)

19 Atmospheric Technology Division FSSP comparisons (IDEAS-3 project, with Nagel & Maixner, GKSS) two FSSP

20 Atmospheric Technology Division FSSP comparisons LPO (RAF) LPC (GKSS)

21 Atmospheric Technology Division FSSP comparisons Response to snow particlesResponse to snow particles Effects of splash in rainEffects of splash in rain (other presentations) Laser reference voltage drift Airflow: aircraft turns in cloud aircraft side-slip in cloud Add scarf tube (one flight)

22 Atmospheric Technology Division Effects of splash in rain 2DC images, 11 sec

23 Atmospheric Technology Division Effects of splash in rain 2DP images, 57 sec

24 Atmospheric Technology Division Effects of splash in rain fssp 2D BLUE – GKSS RED - RAF

25 Atmospheric Technology Division Effects of splash in rain BLUE – GKSS RED - RAF

26 Atmospheric Technology Division Aerosol measurements CN > 10 nm RDMA 8-130 nm PCASP 100-3000 nm

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