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If Ruby Milliken came to my hometown.. Tennessee Written by Vivian Rorie I do not know of another state Where I had rather be Than this great state.

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Presentation on theme: "If Ruby Milliken came to my hometown.. Tennessee Written by Vivian Rorie I do not know of another state Where I had rather be Than this great state."— Presentation transcript:

1 If Ruby Milliken came to my hometown.


3 Tennessee Written by Vivian Rorie I do not know of another state Where I had rather be Than this great state I'm living in And that is Tennessee. I love the stars dearly And there are surely three That show the Grand Division Of my home-land, Tennessee. Where could you find a meadow With grass so vividly green? Where could you find the mountains With such majestic scene? You will never find so bright a moon To shine down from above You will also see the robin The wren, and the turtle dove. And don't forget the rivers Where visitors long to stay. And many have voice in parting, 'I'm sure glad I passed this way.' You will see the cattle grazing Beside a cotton field; And there's the Grand Ole Opry And a feeling it's all God's will. I have lived here all my life It's where I'm going to be Although I've traveled quite a bit, I'll still take Tennessee! Oh, I sure love the state I'm in: The great state of Tennessee!"

4 Ruby could attend Anderson County High School! Just like I did! She would enjoy the award winning Marching Band!

5 Home of the beautiful Grist Mill and Norris Dam.

6 THE place to see new movies while feeling as though you have been transported back in time! Ruby will love The Ritz!

7 Main Street in Downtown Clinton is full of little Mom and Pop antique shops. It is in the heart of Clinton along with the Anderson County court house. I could take Ruby here to introduce her to my mom who is the assistant to the mayor, Rex Lynch.

8 Clinton is the home of the Green McAdoo Cultural Center. In this museum Ruby can see how integration of schools started in my small hometown.

9 The Museum of Appalachia would be a fun way to show Ruby the agricultural aspects of this area.

10 Not far from my hometown in Pigeon Forge. The home of the theme park, Dollywood. Ruby would have a blast if we took a short trip to Pigeon Forge.

11 still stand The Rod Run is also held in Pigeon Forge. Ruby would absolutely love to go to the Rod Run because she loves antique cars just like her dad!

12 For some good food Ruby and I would go to The Little Senator. This is a great fast food joint that has been around for a long time. My grandmother was a car hop at The Little Senator while she was in high school! Golden Girls and Git-N-Go are also great restaurants we would visit often for some great homemade grub !

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