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Context in practice … and what’s new Lorentz center, Wednesday, 21 November 2006.

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1 Context in practice … and what’s new Lorentz center, Wednesday, 21 November 2006

2 Context  Handling large amounts of data Work together Work in a consistent way Experiment with source code Know what data and code was used Keep data private Make data public Throw away data

3 Projects  Organize in Projects, that have A name and description Users Default privileges Responsible - privileged – users  New objects are automatically part of the currently active context

4 Privileges  User – Project – Astro-Wise …  MyDB Project with same name as user User-only objects within a project, i.e. user can see all data within a project but creates data that is invisible to others within a project context.set_privileges_user_only() context.set_privileges_project_only() context.set_default_privileges()

5 Migrating data  Migrating everything from MyDB awe AWAUSER KIDS  Migrating a single object including its dependencies for sl in'*TEST*'): context.migrate(sl, 'VESUVIO')

6 Deleting data  Deleting everything in MyDB awe AWAUSER  Deleting a single object Requires careful checking for ALL dependent objects Is not yet possible  DBA’s run dbvacuum to delete files from dataservers that belong to deleted objects

7 Project specific source code  Put project source code in separate CVS repositories  awe will use code that is specific to the currently selected project  Only code that is different needs to be kept in project specific CVS  Beware of unnecessary divergence!

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