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PRIMES [5] Low carbon GPP Presented by (Insert own logo)

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1 PRIMES [5] Low carbon GPP Presented by (Insert own logo)

2 Overview  Prioritising the right products  Calculating the impact of low carbon tenders  Linking with SEAPs  Energy performance contracting  Useful links Source: © Image courtesy of digitalart at

3 Source: © Image courtesy of moggara12 Products with higher environmental relief potential

4 Products with high environmental relief potential

5 The public purchasing power Lighting:  CO 2 emissions would be cut by 15M t per year if the whole EU adopted the same environmental criteria for lighting and office equipment as the City of Turku, Finland – reducing electricity consumption by 50% Public buildings:  40% of energy is consumed in buildings / 20% GHG saving potential  20% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions saving in building sector Transport:  1/3 of EU CO2 emissions  In EU countries > 50% of the buses are purchased by public authorities

6 Low carbon & cost-efficient IT sector:  If all IT purchases in Europe followed the example of Copenhagen City Council and the Swedish Administrative Development Agency, energy consumption would be cut by roughly the equivalent of four nuclear reactors  3M PCs are in the EU purchased by the public sector (= 12% of the market) annually Cost-effectiveness:  Low emission investment that pays off within a few years with greater savings than investments:  Introduction of efficient lighting systems  Switch to energy-efficient IT devices  Procurement of light hybrid cars (start-stop system, brake force recovery)

7 Overview  Prioritising the right products  Calculating the impact of low carbon tenders  Linking with SEAPs  Energy performance contracting  Useful links Source: © Image courtesy of digitalart at

8 Measuring energy and CO ₂ savings The GPP2020 approach  Calculates energy and CO ₂ reductions over the whole life cycle of products, services and works.  CO ₂ savings displayed are based on comparison between emissions of previous or ‘standard’ tenders and new tenders  Website: Source: © The GPP2020 Project -

9 Measuring energy and CO ₂ savings The GPP2020 approach  Low-carbon tenders consider energy and CO₂ reductions straight from the beginning of the development of the tender.  An initial calculation informs decision makers and procurers of the savings that can be achieved.  After tender award, all low-carbon tenders are monitored and their energy and CO₂ savings impact is assessed  Comparison of 3 solutions: the worst conventional ; the solution chosen in the previous tender or that would usually be chosen and the option chosen in the low-carbon tender.  The impact is either calculated by drawing on existing calculation tools, or if no such tool exists by referring to the environmental product declarations.  Methodology does not represent exact real-life savings but offers an approximate estimation of impact. Source: © The GPP2020 Project -

10 Measuring energy and CO ₂ savings Carbon and energy savings calculators  GPP 2020 energy contracting calculator  GPP 2020 office ICT calculator  GPP 2020 vehicles calculator  GPP 2020 LED lighting  Website: Source: © The GPP2020 Project -

11  Microsoft Excel® Tool (html-version:  Supports procurers in calculating life-cycle costs and CO 2 emissions of innovative products and services  Graphical display of results and tender evaluation The Smart SPP LCC/CO 2 Tool Source: © SMART SPP Project -

12 Calculating emissions CO2 emissions from the use phase  Based on emission factors data from official data bases such as Defra UK, GEMIS DE Embedded CO2 emissions  Guide to PAS 2050 – how to assess the carbon footprint of goods and services -> (  ISO/WD Standard 14067, Carbon Footprint of Products - standard for carbon product foot-printing -> ( The Smart SPP LCC/CO 2 Tool Source: © SMART SPP Project -

13 Overview  Prioritising the right products  Calculating the impact of low carbon tenders  Linking with SEAPs  Energy performance contracting  Useful links Source: © Image courtesy of digitalart at

14 Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAP) Covenant of Mayors (CoM)  SEAP = key document for Covenant of Mayors (CoM) signatories on how they intend to reach its CO 2 reduction target by 2020. activities and measures  Defines the activities and measures to achieve the targets, together with time frames and assigned responsibilities.  Format free  Format free, but must be in line with the general principles set out in the CoM SEAP guidelines. 5353 CoM signatories  Currently there are > 5353 CoM signatories [Stand: June 2014] Source: © Image courtesy of digitalart at

15 GPP link to SEAP (I)  GPP can be used as an element in the definition of activities  A tendering procedure taking into account the sustainability and in particular the energy efficiency of the products is very important  Examples: 1) Replacement of public lighting (very energy & cost efficient) 2) Retrofitting of public buildings (e.g. replacement of windows) -> see also: 3) GPP can help to select the most appropriate material; achieving the highest energy efficiency and by selecting suitable bidders (E.g. ESCOs) with highest capacity; Source: © Image courtesy of digitalart at

16 GPP link to SEAP (II)  The Covenant capaCITY platform has an entire learning & trainer module on GPP as a means to implement SEAP actions  Once you register you have access to a wealth of information regarding GPP, buildings etc. for the set-up or revision of SEAPs  Website: Source: ©

17 Overview  Prioritising the right products  Calculating the impact of low carbon tenders  Linking with SEAPs  Energy performance contracting  Useful links Source: © Image courtesy of digitalart at

18 Energy performance contracting (EPC)  EPC = innovative financing of energy efficiency  Energy efficiency (EE) investments are covered through energy savings  EU encourages EPC as key instrument to finance and implement ambitious EE investments (-> EE Directive 2012/27)  European EPC market development slow due to barriers such as lack of understanding and information, distrust in suppliers, high transaction costs, inadequate accounting and procurement rules and different procedures in each country Source: © Image courtesy of digitalart at

19 Energy performance contracting (EPC) EPC process  Assess energy savings potential (audit, expertise...)  Define energy consumption baseline (technical and financial)  Develop tender (tender documents, criteria...)  Negotiate contract (with ESCOs)... Source:

20 Energy performance contracting (EPC) Project development: tasks & responsibilities Source:

21 Good practice example Energy Performance Contracting Source: Berlin, Germany The German Capital Berlin retrofitted municipal school buildings and swimming pools through energy performance contracting. Costs were covered through energy savings.

22 Brandenburg, Germany:  Tendered for 100% green electricity  Required Guarantee of Origin certificates to ensure no double selling  Result: over 30,000 tonnes CO2 per yr saved. No increase in electricity cost Bristol, UK:  Contract for waste collection and road maintenance  Competitive dialogue process – bidders required to indicate how they would achieve 25% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2017  Strict monitoring and reporting requirements & penalties for non-compliance Good practice: low carbon procurement Bristol, UK and Brandenburg, Germany

23 Useful links  Covenant of Mayors: http://www.covenantofmayors.eu  Covenant capaCITY:  GPP2020:  The Clean Vehicles Portal:  LCC Public Procurement tool:  Energy-efficient buildings procurement: Source: © Image courtesy of franky242 at

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