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Raul Carlson for ISO/TC 207 MEMBER WORKSHOP ON Environmental Performance June 25, 2012, Shangrila hotel, Bangkok, Thailand - contact:

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Presentation on theme: "Raul Carlson for ISO/TC 207 MEMBER WORKSHOP ON Environmental Performance June 25, 2012, Shangrila hotel, Bangkok, Thailand - contact:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Raul Carlson for ISO/TC 207 MEMBER WORKSHOP ON Environmental Performance June 25, 2012, Shangrila hotel, Bangkok, Thailand - contact: - - Environmental performance of multi-modal transport chains Raul Carlson Sweden

2 Raul Carlson for ISO/TC 207 MEMBER WORKSHOP ON Environmental Performance June 25, 2012, Shangrila hotel, Bangkok, Thailand - contact: - - Contents Present Viktoria institute How environmental performance of multi-modal transports are calculated Some of the difficulties with calculating environmental performance of multi-modal transports Ongoing efforts to develop and harmonize calculation and reporting Present Viktoria institute How environmental performance of multi-modal transports are calculated Some of the difficulties with calculating environmental performance of multi-modal transports Ongoing efforts to develop and harmonize calculation and reporting

3 Raul Carlson for ISO/TC 207 MEMBER WORKSHOP ON Environmental Performance June 25, 2012, Shangrila hotel, Bangkok, Thailand - contact: - - Viktoria institute A non-profit IT-research institute located in Gothenburg in Sweden Viktoria institute is part of Swedish ICT, mainly owned by government Focusing on automotive and transport informatics, i.e.: Electromobility Cooperative Systems Open Vehicle Vehicle Diagnostics Sustainable Transport Standards and definitions of environmental performance important for guidance and target setting for research, development and innovation. A non-profit IT-research institute located in Gothenburg in Sweden Viktoria institute is part of Swedish ICT, mainly owned by government Focusing on automotive and transport informatics, i.e.: Electromobility Cooperative Systems Open Vehicle Vehicle Diagnostics Sustainable Transport Standards and definitions of environmental performance important for guidance and target setting for research, development and innovation.

4 Raul Carlson for ISO/TC 207 MEMBER WORKSHOP ON Environmental Performance June 25, 2012, Shangrila hotel, Bangkok, Thailand - contact: - - A multi-modal transport Transport User Transport Forwarder 2 4PL ABCDE Transport Operator Haulier 2 Transport Operator RoRo-ferry Transport Forwarder 1 Transport Operator Haulier 3 Transport Operator Haulier 1 Source:

5 Raul Carlson for ISO/TC 207 MEMBER WORKSHOP ON Environmental Performance June 25, 2012, Shangrila hotel, Bangkok, Thailand - contact: - - Study: Environmental performance indicators used in transport chain *Interviews made at DHL, DSV SKF, Volvo Cars, Volvo, Autoliv Within the project EIT More info: Transport user Transport service Provider(, Carrier, Terminals, Port operators 4PL, forwarder, Carrier (subcontr.) 4PL, forwarderKatalog, FRIDA, kollektivstrafik(kolla) Transport mean Requirements are communicated and reformulated in a non-standardized way from end customer, through transport chain to vehicles Data is compiled, reported and reformulated in a non-standardized way from vehicle through transport chain to end customer

6 Raul Carlson for ISO/TC 207 MEMBER WORKSHOP ON Environmental Performance June 25, 2012, Shangrila hotel, Bangkok, Thailand - contact: - - Environmental issues of transport Resource consumption Consumption of fossil fuel Consumption of other mineral Land use Other resource consumption Resource consumption Consumption of fossil fuel Consumption of other mineral Land use Other resource consumption Climate change Emission of CO2, N2O, Methane, etc Biological uptake Climate change Emission of CO2, N2O, Methane, etc Biological uptake Bio diversity Direct: Land use, toxic substances Indirect: Climate change Bio diversity Direct: Land use, toxic substances Indirect: Climate change Human health Direct: Particles, toxic substances, stress, accidents Indirect: Land use, Climate change Human health Direct: Particles, toxic substances, stress, accidents Indirect: Land use, Climate change

7 Raul Carlson for ISO/TC 207 MEMBER WORKSHOP ON Environmental Performance June 25, 2012, Shangrila hotel, Bangkok, Thailand - contact: - - Transport environmental performance indicators – in line with ISO 14031 Resource consumption Fuel use Land use Water footprint (the latter two much related to bio fuels) Resource consumption Fuel use Land use Water footprint (the latter two much related to bio fuels) Contribution to climate change: CO2e emissions Contribution to climate change: CO2e emissions Combustion and motion emissions Particles CO NOx SOx (much related to local air quality and regional environmental matters) Combustion and motion emissions Particles CO NOx SOx (much related to local air quality and regional environmental matters) Recycling emissions Metals Flame retardants Recycling chemicals (much related to electric and hybrid vehicles) Recycling emissions Metals Flame retardants Recycling chemicals (much related to electric and hybrid vehicles) Management system: Existence of PDCA based EMS system (much related to ability to improve and respond) Management system: Existence of PDCA based EMS system (much related to ability to improve and respond) Noise and vibrations No available indicator Noise and vibrations No available indicator All indicators should be normalized to transport work Additional indicators may apply All indicators should be normalized to transport work Additional indicators may apply

8 Raul Carlson for ISO/TC 207 MEMBER WORKSHOP ON Environmental Performance June 25, 2012, Shangrila hotel, Bangkok, Thailand - contact: - - Current practice: CO2e performance calculation of general multi-modal transport Transport User Transport Forwarder 2 4PL ABCDE Transport Operator Haulier 2 Transport Operator RoRo-ferry Transport Forwarder 1 Transport Operator Haulier 3 Transport Operator Haulier 1 Source: Emission factors are used, e.g. Defra*: In the form of CO2e / ton*km per type of transport Distance km is calculated on average distance Weight ton is based on average data Allocations are based on average efficiency of transport Distance,weight and allocation are calculated differently by different organizations and companies. Efforts to achieve standards and harmonized business agreements are ongoing. * ions ions

9 Raul Carlson for ISO/TC 207 MEMBER WORKSHOP ON Environmental Performance June 25, 2012, Shangrila hotel, Bangkok, Thailand - contact: - - Study: Environmental performance indicators requested in transport chain *Interviews made at DHL, DSV SKF, Volvo Cars, Volvo, Autoliv Within the project EIT More info: Transport user Transport service Provider(, Carrier, Terminals, Port operators 4PL, forwarder, Carrier (subcontr.) 4PL, forwarderKatalog, FRIDA, kollektivstrafik(kolla) Transport mean Requirements are communicated and reformulated in a non-standardized way from end customer, through transport chain to vehicles Data is compiled, reported and reformulated in a non-standardized way from vehicle through transport chain to end customer Study conclusions: Many similar and partly compatible environmental performance requests and reporting No standard way to do this, mainly because it is inter- sectoral communication There are many different approaches ongoing (next slide) Study conclusions: Many similar and partly compatible environmental performance requests and reporting No standard way to do this, mainly because it is inter- sectoral communication There are many different approaches ongoing (next slide)

10 Raul Carlson for ISO/TC 207 MEMBER WORKSHOP ON Environmental Performance June 25, 2012, Shangrila hotel, Bangkok, Thailand - contact: - - Transport environmental performance indicators – in line with ISO 14031 Resource consumption Fuel use Land use Water footprint (the latter two much related to bio fuels) Resource consumption Fuel use Land use Water footprint (the latter two much related to bio fuels) Contribution to climate change: CO2e emissions Contribution to climate change: CO2e emissions Combustion and motion emissions Particles CO NOx SOx (much related to local air quality and regional environmental matters) Combustion and motion emissions Particles CO NOx SOx (much related to local air quality and regional environmental matters) Recycling emissions Metals Flame retardants Recycling chemicals (much related to electric and hybrid vehicles) Recycling emissions Metals Flame retardants Recycling chemicals (much related to electric and hybrid vehicles) Management system: Existence of PDCA based EMS system (much related to ability to improve and respond) Management system: Existence of PDCA based EMS system (much related to ability to improve and respond) Noise and vibrations No available indicator Noise and vibrations No available indicator All indicators should be normalized to transport work Additional indicators may apply The actual selection of indicators as well as scope and calculation method needs to be based on agreement (e.g. PCR acc to ISO 14025) All indicators should be normalized to transport work Additional indicators may apply The actual selection of indicators as well as scope and calculation method needs to be based on agreement (e.g. PCR acc to ISO 14025)

11 Raul Carlson for ISO/TC 207 MEMBER WORKSHOP ON Environmental Performance June 25, 2012, Shangrila hotel, Bangkok, Thailand - contact: - - etc. (These are examples. Not an exhaustive list) etc. (These are examples. Not an exhaustive list) Odette International (just started international guideline) Odette International (just started international guideline) No common approach – but several ongoing work COFRET (EU-project) COFRET (EU-project) www.cofret- Cleanship index (launched and running) Cleanship index (launched and running) www.cleanshippingpro CEFIC (industry guideline CFP) CEFIC (industry guideline CFP) PCRs for EPDs Based on ISO 14025 Carbon footprint ’Based on’ upcoming ISO 14067 Eco-efficiency Based on ISO 14045 etc Transport specific calculation methods and system scope Local approaches, e.g. NTM in Sweden, Defra in UK, Grenelle Transport in France CEN prEN 16258 – “Standardisation of calculation and declaration on energy consumptions and GHG emissions in transport services” Transport specific calculation methods and system scope Local approaches, e.g. NTM in Sweden, Defra in UK, Grenelle Transport in France CEN prEN 16258 – “Standardisation of calculation and declaration on energy consumptions and GHG emissions in transport services” Emission factor databases, different scopes: Tank to wheel (TTW) Well to tank (WTT) Well to wheel (WTW) Based on ISO 1404ff Acquistion of data parameters Based on - ISO/TS 14033 - ISO/TS 14048

12 Raul Carlson for ISO/TC 207 MEMBER WORKSHOP ON Environmental Performance June 25, 2012, Shangrila hotel, Bangkok, Thailand - contact: - - Aim to improve CO2e calculation of general multi-modal transport Transport User Transport Forwarder 2 4PL ABCDE No EP report Estimation EP acc to agreed method Detailed data EP Calculated average EP Transport Operator Haulier 2 Detailed data EP Transport Operator RoRo-ferry Transport Forwarder 1 Transport Operator Haulier 3 Transport Operator Haulier 1 Average data EP Source:

13 Raul Carlson for ISO/TC 207 MEMBER WORKSHOP ON Environmental Performance June 25, 2012, Shangrila hotel, Bangkok, Thailand - contact: - - Summary There are some agreement how to calculate environmental performance of transports Much development work is going on There are several ISO-standards in the toolbox More standards may be needed, both sector specific and general

14 Raul Carlson for ISO/TC 207 MEMBER WORKSHOP ON Environmental Performance June 25, 2012, Shangrila hotel, Bangkok, Thailand - contact: - - Thank you for your kind interest Contact:

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