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Friday Feb. 27, 2012 Mr. Paulson U.S. History.  1. Watch youtube -answer the following:  A. What number Amendment to the U.S. Consitution was “Prohibition?”

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1 Friday Feb. 27, 2012 Mr. Paulson U.S. History

2  1. Watch youtube -answer the following:  A. What number Amendment to the U.S. Consitution was “Prohibition?”  B. What was the name of the “Act” that actually enforced the Amendment and when was it passed?  C. When did Prohibition actually go into effect  D. What were some unintended consequences?  E. What was the result? When?  VAFg&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mo de=1 VAFg&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mo de=1

3  Spark # 8 - Youtubes  Connect to last Friday and Jazz  Speakeasies, dancing, drinking, Jazz – rebel culture  Turn stuff in – Jazz, Prohib. Reading ??? Cult Conf  Quick notes  Summary

4  18 th Amendment, passed in 1919, enacted 1920 (18, 19, 20) Volstead Act  Outlawed sale, manufacture, distribution, consumption of alcohol in U.S.  Repealed in 1933  13 year “noble experiment”  Answers to Prohib. Reading ???s

5  Said prohibition was necessary in order to:  1. Eliminate drunkenness and the resulting domestic abuse of wives and kids  2. Close saloons –the cause of prostitution, gambling, etc  3. Prevent “absenteeism” (not going to work) and decrease on the job accidents

6  Anti-alcohol commercial  =DVuwREbGh3w&safety_mode=t rue&persist_safety_mode=1 =DVuwREbGh3w&safety_mode=t rue&persist_safety_mode=1  WCTU – Women’s Christian Temperance Union  Carrie Nation  MAJORITY of states – 18 th Amendment had to be ratified!!


8  "annually sending thousands of our youths to destruction, for corrupting politics, dissipating workmen's wages, leading astray 60,000 girls each year into lives of immorality and banishing children from school"  "Liquor is responsible for 19% of the divorces, 25% of the poverty, 25% of the insanity, 37% of the pauperism, 45% of child desertion, and 50% of the crime in this country," the League determined. "And this," it concluded, " is a very conservative estimate“  Prohibition Lobby was very strong, very convincing  Lecture Tour and slides  10 Nights in a Bar Room

9  Some did stop…some didn’t – Rural v. Urban  Rural south and west P. was very effective---completely ignored/openly defied in big cities  Kansas (95%) v. New York (5%)  Warren G. Harding (p. 467) – Cocktail parties in the White House DURING Prohibition!!!  How did they get it?  Speakeasies – illegal bars  Bootleggers – illegal manufacturers  Bathtub gin – dangerously strong, poor tasting – blindness!!  Rumrunners – smugglers from Caribbean and Canada  Hip flasks – particularly women  Nascar – stock outside, “souped up” inside

10  What’s the secret password?  “Some speakeasies are disguised behind florists shops, or behind undertakers coffins. I know one, right on Broadway, which is entered through an imitation phonebooth…it has excellent beer…”


12  How about the original goals? 1. Eliminate drunkenness and domestic abuse?? 2. Close saloons??? 3. Get people to work (safely)???  Gangsters and Organized Crime  Black Market – Demand remained, took away legitimate sources that met demand, “non-legitimate (non-legal) sources stepped in …sound familiar?  Disregard for the Law  Long Term Legacy:  General disregard for the law  Americans refuse to have “morality” legislated to them!!!  What do you think?


14  1933 – 21 st Amendment  Why???  Moral Decline  Depression  Economy (!!! This one is huge !!!)  General consensus that the “noble experiment” was a giant failure

15  Outline 3 arguments to support each position:  “Prohibition was a giant failure because…”  “Prohibition was a success because…”  Next: Does our country’s experience with Prohibition mean anything for the current debate on marijuana or other drugs?  Finally, on the bottom, YOUR OPINION:  What lessons did America learn from Prohibition?  What lessons “should” America have learned from Prohibition?

16  Watch as much as possible – you can continue on your own

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