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MATH CAN USE TECHNOLOGY, TOO !! PRESENTERS – Dan Strohmyer John Barbier DATE – April 4, 2013

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Presentation on theme: "MATH CAN USE TECHNOLOGY, TOO !! PRESENTERS – Dan Strohmyer John Barbier DATE – April 4, 2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 MATH CAN USE TECHNOLOGY, TOO !! PRESENTERS – Dan Strohmyer John Barbier DATE – April 4, 2013

2 Intro Dan Strohmyer 11 years teaching Chemistry Sioux Central CSD – Technology Integration Specialist Email – Twitter – @dstrohmyer John Barbier 20 years teaching Calculus and Precalculus Sioux Central CSD Email – Twitter – @MrBarbier

3 Purpose Our purpose is to show you what we do and the evolution of student thought, questions, and 21 st century skills we are seeing in our classroom. We use: Pod/Screencasting Flipped Teaching 2.0 Collaborative tools like twitter

4 Why does this work? Research base Cognitive Load Theory (Ayres, 2006) front loading “mastery level” material reduces the cognitive load on students. Allows students to have all the background information before the discussion. During classroom time, you can apply and develop higher level thinking. What this looks like in the classroom

5 “The Experiment” The Clay County Fair Polished iMovies (and other tech projects) are great assessments, but are they really changing the way students think? The Epiphany - The students learning at the fair were learning just as well as the kids learning in the classroom.

6 So….. “I (Mr. Barbier) started making 10-15 minute podcasts for each lesson in PreCalculus.” Originally to have a repository of lessons that students could access from my website when they are gone because of: School related absences Vacations Sick

7 “I’ve created a Monster” It turned into much more than that The incident of the hard take home quiz. The students were upset….

8 Video – From the student’s point of view

9 What this did to my classroom! “I was excited about teaching in a new way for the first time in about 20 years” “I realized that yes, Math can use technology, too” “The math didn’t change, my teaching style did”

10 Why this is working If every student is in the proper mindset in your classroom, they will learn. But they might be Hungry Thinking about their girlfriend/boyfriend Really worried about the Physics text next hour Having lessons recorded and posted allows students to learn on their schedule when they are in the right mindset. On the bus at a volleyball game 11:00 at night, etc.

11 What a Unit lesson plan looks like -

12 So this is an online class…Right? Well not really. We call it Flipped Teaching 2.0 (Ramsey Musallam) Lecture (Discussion days) Students working at own pace Checkpoints

13 The Ipad/Twitter experiment We started out using Jing (Free) to post iMovies about Calc problems and post them to the teacher’s website to have a repository for worked problems. Then we started having them comment on each others’ completed work. Now we are using iPads to work problems and updating directly to a twitter feed and having student comment on work.

14 Student side Students use show me to work problems graph equations and submit to twitter for peer review. Kind of unpolished huh?

15 From a Larger Perspective What this looks like in the classroom.

16 From the Teacher’s side We are using Camtasia (From Techsmith) and having the videos posted throught (also part of Techsmith)

17 Implications to a 1:1 Classroom You are not changing the Math You are changing the strategy of teaching it. The instantaneous feedback allowed by technology enables high- level interaction and collaboration. All the rigidity of the classroom “bell to bell” is gone Allows two-way communication between instructor and students Allow instructor to “hear” student thinking

18 How can I do this One lesson at a time Choose one and podcast it Then choose your favorite unit (or choose your least favorite and then you never have to lecture on it again) Ask the students if they like it Screencapture is your friend!!

19 Questions -

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