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Greece Elinor Schelleng Greek Buildings on the Coast.

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Presentation on theme: "Greece Elinor Schelleng Greek Buildings on the Coast."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greece Elinor Schelleng Greek Buildings on the Coast

2 Greek Government - Government Type: Parliamentary Republic. The people of Greece elect a body of people to represent them. You have to be 18 or older to vote or run for parliament. - President: Karolos Papoulias - Head of Government: Prime Minister Lukas Papademos Greek President Karolos Papoulias

3 Greek Economy - Type: Socialist- Partially Capitalist and partially Communist economy. The people control some things, the government controls other businesses. - Imports: Machinery, fuel, chemicals and transport equipment - Exports: Food, beverages, manufactured goods, petroleum products, chemicals and textiles Olive oil is a major export in Greece.

4 Greek Economy Trouble - Since 2007, Greece has been having more trouble. - They are extremely indebted to several "Banks of the World." - They were able to pay back the small amounts but as other economies failed, the "Banks" demanded Greece pay back all the money immediately. And this, Greece could not do. Political cartoon about the Greek debt crisis.

5 Greek General Geography - Very mountainous, some mountains go directly into sea and form islands. - The most well known mountain is Mt. Olympus, which is said to be the home of the Gods. - The coast of Greece is flatter, inland has more mountains. World map, Greece highlighted Greece geography Greece and surrounding countries

6 Greek Climate - Greece has three main climate types- mountain, continental and island - Mountain- Cold, snowy - Continental- Much like US - Island- Very cold winters, very hot summers One of the many beautiful flowers of Greece, the Anemoeme.

7 Precipitation Map of Greece

8 Greek Flag

9 Greek Flag Continued - Blue- Loyalty, truth, vigilance, perseverance, and the blue of the waves of the Grecian seas - White- Peace, honesty, and the whiteness of the Greek waves - Cross-Greek Orthodoxy - 9 Stripes- Nine syllables in Elephtheria H Thanatos(Freedom or Death), the motto of the Greek resistance Greek Flag

10 Greek National Anthem To view the entire video click here: ive ive

11 Greek Currency -Greece is part of the euro zone. - Greece joined the euro zone on January 1, 2001 - On May 1, 1 euro=1.3264 US dollars - Euro coins come in denominations of 1,2,5,10,20, and 50 cents and 1 and 2 euros. - Originally used the drachma, silver or gold coin. Greek euro coins

12 Greek Culture Modern Greek Alphabet

13 Greek Culture/Alphabet - What each symbol means is different for both modern and ancient Greek. - Some of the most common symbols, used in math and science, are Alpha, Beta, Delta, Pi and Omega. - Each symbol corresponds to one English sound. Modern Greek Alphabet

14 Greek Culture - "Greek" is a nationality, language and a religion. These are the 13 original Greek Gods. The Greeks favored Zeus, god of lightning, above all. - From top to bottom left to right the Gods are Poseidon, Zeus, Hades, Hestia, Hera, Ares, Dionysus, Hermes, Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena, Demeter and Hephaestus. Not pictured is Apollo.

15 Sources ts.jpg fety_mode=1&safe=active

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