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Unique Selling Points (USP) ALEXYS Antec BV Zoeterwoude, The Netherlands 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Unique Selling Points (USP) ALEXYS Antec BV Zoeterwoude, The Netherlands 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unique Selling Points (USP) ALEXYS Antec BV Zoeterwoude, The Netherlands 1

2 USP (short) -Dedicated Analyzers for specific applications - Built around the ECD for highest sensitivity -Guaranteed applications -User friendly – easy to operate 2


4 ALEXYS USP’s Dedicated Analysers for specific markets  Neuroscience  Pharmaceuticals  Clinical Chemistry  Environmental  Food & beverage

5 ALEXYS USP’s Neuroscience  Monoamines  GABA/GLU  Acetylcholine

6 ALEXYS USP’s Monoamines Best sensitivity in market (20-100pmol out 3ul) Minimum sample needs, minimum sample loss (e.g. 3 ul concentrated sample per column, full loop) Optimised conditions for  mobile phase, column and cell  short runtimes to occur degradation (5-HT) Highest efficiency using “2D”, saving rats!

7 ALEXYS USP’s ONE SHOT, two chromatograms!

8 ESA Coulochem Monoamines  Minimum sample size needed 15ul  One column, no 2D approach  Using one column, no optimised conditions per channel (short runtimes, no degradation of HT)  At least 20 times less sensitive

9 ESA Coulochem

10 ESA Coularray

11 ESA Coularray +/- 70.000 euro ESA Coulochem +/- 50.000 euro

12 ESA Coulochem price

13 Eicom

14 Eicom +/- 24000 euro

15 ALEXYS USP’s GABA and GLU CS, makes it possible to analyse both in one run! CS, improve selectivity! 2 columns and 2 cells, short runtimes! One injection, two chromatograms!

16 2 cells = selectivity = sensitivity

17 One in all…..not possible

18 Eicom

19 ESA 200 ng on column!!

20 ALEXYS USP’s Acetyl Choline Using complete kit (BAS) Flexcell for easy coating, low cost of owner ship Best sensitivity available, 10 fmol on column ESA : 30-40fmol on column, more sample BAS: 25fmol on column, fixed electrode in cell, no active sales

21 On-Line Microdialyse Systems All monoamines in one (DCC) HT....multiple cells (SCC - TCC) TR...small samples using multiple cells (TCC/QCC) ESA/EICOM do not have this option because of  No multiple cells option (EICOM)  Large volume needed (ESA)

22 Conlusion: Baltimore case, John Hopkins Inst.

23 Aminoglycosides and Macrolides

24 Application solution according EP/USP methods Column according EP/USP (L47) Flexcell with Hyreff  very stable signal!!! Optimised and validated application, knowledge of Antec! Case Alfasan Woerden, Netherlands  Why ECD?  What application used before?

25 Aminoglycosides and Macrolides But what when you can not find customers????? Were to sell?

26 Web search suppliers/netherlands-holland.html




30 Aminoglycosides Market Loads of Antibiotics are used in veterinairy products  Injectables  Skin creme’s  Additional to feed  Etc.. Users of bulk aminoglycosides...

31 Competition always exists! ….but to beat them you need to.... 1) Inform your customer in time 2) Know the USP’s and…. 3)…….last but not least…………


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