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Country Official Type of Government Citizen Participation Distribution Of Power BRAZIL MEXICO CUBA Federal Republic Democratic (18-70 yrs Mandatory Voting)

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Presentation on theme: "Country Official Type of Government Citizen Participation Distribution Of Power BRAZIL MEXICO CUBA Federal Republic Democratic (18-70 yrs Mandatory Voting)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Country Official Type of Government Citizen Participation Distribution Of Power BRAZIL MEXICO CUBA Federal Republic Democratic (18-70 yrs Mandatory Voting) Federal (26 States & 1 Federal District) Federal Republic Democratic (must be 18-not mandatory) Federal (31 States & 1 Federal District) Communist State (Elected? Dictatorship) One-Party (Cuban Communist Party) Democracy (must be 16 –not mandatory) UNITARY

2 Citizen Participation Autocracy-citizens have limited or no control, power in the hands of one person Oligarchy-citizens have limited control, power in the hands of a small group Democracy-citizens in control by voting, power in the hands of the voters Distribution of Power Unitary-National government in control Confederation-Local governments in control Federal-power divided by local and national governments

3 Aztec Civilization The capital city of the Aztecs was called “Tenochtitlan.” This city was located on an island in the center of a swampy lake.

4 Aztec Civilization Because the capital city was located on an island surrounded by swamp they had to get creative with their agricultural techniques. They developed what were called “chinampas.” These were essentially floating gardens they built in the swamp to provide them with what they needed.

5 Aztec Civilization The Aztec Civilization ended in 1519, when Hernan Cortes (Spanish Conquistador) captured the Aztec ruler Montezuma II. This officially marked the end of the Aztec empire & civilization. In 1521, the Aztec empire was re- named “New Spain”

6 Inca Civilization In the early 1400’s a group of people calling themselves the “Incas” gained control over significant territory in modern-day Peru. Eventually, the Incas would come to rule over a vast Andean empire including parts of Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina.

7 Inca Civilization The last “Sapa Inca” (king/ruler) “Atahualpa” was defeated by the Spanish Francisco Pizarro. The Inca Empire was thereafter a part of “New Spain”

8 Mayan Civilization Small Mayan communities can be traced back to 1600 BC. Between 250 AD – 900 AD, the Mayan civilization grew to be one of the most widespread civilizations in Latin America. By 900 AD, the Mayan civilization had spread to what is now southern Mexico & northern Central America.

9 Mayan Civilization Around 900 AD/CE the Mayan civilization started to dissolve. No one is really sure why this happened. People moved out of the great temple cities and spread out. The Mayan people did not disappear, they just left. Still today, many people in the region of the Mayan civilization speak languages based on traditional Mayan language.

10 How do citizens participate in different forms of Government? AUTOCRATIC: DEMOCRATIC: OLIGARCHIC: Single Ruler Little/No Citizen Participation Small Group of Rulers Little/No Citizen Participation Leaders Elected by the People Through Voting High Citizen Participation

11 Central Authority Unitary Ways Government Distributes Power Regional Authority

12 How is power distributed (shared) between “central governments” (like ours in Washington D.C.) & “regional governments” (like states, such as Georgia)? UNITARY: -Power is not shared. -The Central Govt. has ALL THE POWER. -Regional Govt.’s (States/Provinces) have little/no power.

13 Central Authority Confederation Ways Government Distributes Power Regional Authority

14 How is power distributed (shared) between “central governments” (like ours in Washington D.C.) & “regional governments” (like states, such as Georgia)? CONFEDERATION: -Power is not shared. -The Regional Govt.’s (States/Provinces) have ALL THE POWER. -The Central Govt. is powerless to enforce law.

15 Federation / Federal Ways Government Distributes Power Regional Authority Central Authority Regional Authority

16 How is power distributed (shared) between “central governments” (like ours in Washington D.C.) & “regional governments” (like states, such as Georgia)? Federation: -Power is shared. -The Central Govt. has the MOST POWER. -Regional Govt.’s (States/Provinces) have SOME POWER to make laws on their own.

17 Environmental Issue Where Cause(s) Negative Effects What’s being done to deal w/ the problem? Urban (City) Air Pollution Mexico City, Mexico Emissions from Factories & Cars Very High Population Density (19 Million) *Geography doesn’t help→ Mexico City is surrounded by mountains, which trap smog in the city by blocking winds. Ugly brown cloud over the city Breathing problems among the population- High amount of lung/breathing related diseases -Drivers are asked to leave their cars @ home 1 day a week -Citizens are encouraged to ride bus, train, or carpool -Cars inspected to control exhaust emissions -On bad days, some businesses close -Working on cleaner burning fuels

18 Environmental Issue Where Cause(s) Negative Effects What’s being done to deal w/ the problem? Destruction Of Rain Forests Amazon Basin (Brazil) Timber companies clearing land for wood & to make room for agriculture (farming) Loss of habitat for plant & animal species Approx. 20% of Earth’s oxygen is produced in the Amazon Rainforest New laws limit the amount of trees that can be cut down *These laws are not very well enforced

19 Environmental Issue Where Cause(s) Negative Effects What’s being done to deal w/ the problem? Oil- Related Pollution Venezuela Coastal Areas & Lake Maracaibo Oil Spills dump oil into water Burning of Oil- Introducing CO 2 Into the air Polluted waters affect plant/animal species *Hurts the fishing industry Breathing problems associated w/ air pollution Nothing substantial is being done yet *B/C the government runs the oil industry & doesn’t want to regulate itself

20 R56 – GDP & Investment in Human & Capital Resources SS6E7 The student will describe factors that influence economic growth and examine their presence or absence in Latin America. a. Explain the relationship between investment in human capital (education and training) and gross domestic product (GDP). b. Explain the relationship between investment in capital (factories, machinery, and technology) and gross domestic product (GDP). c. Describe the role of natural resources in a country’s economy. d. Describe the role of entrepreneurship. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Key Vocabulary Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – the Total Value ($) of all goods & services produced in a country in one year Natural Resources – “Gifts of Nature” EXAMPLES: Trees, Water, Oil, Arable Land, Minerals, Livestock Human Capital (Resources) – People w/ the skills & knowledge necessary to produce EXAMPLES: Doctor, Mechanic, Teacher, Lawyer, Accountant Capital Resources – The tools, machinery, & technology needed to produce EXAMPLES: Drill, Hammer, Computer, Delivery Truck Entrepreneur – Person/People willing to take the risk of starting a business for profit in a market economy __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ a. Explain the relationship between investment in human capital (education and training) and gross domestic product (GDP). If a country invests money and time in educating and training its’ human capital, how will that affect its’ GDP? The workers will be able to produce more → GDP will grow How would it affect a countries GDP if it didn’t invest much in educating and training its’ human capital? The workers will not be able to produce as much → GDP will NOT grow b. Explain the relationship between investment in capital (factories, machinery, and technology) and gross domestic product (GDP). If a country invests money and time in the creation of factories, machinery, and new technology, how will that affect its’ GDP? w/ better tools, workers will be able to produce more → GDP will grow How would it affect a countries’ GDP if it didn’t invest much in the creation of factories, machinery, and new technology? w/o better tools, workers will not be able to produce as much → GDP will NOT grow

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