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Contact: Fergal Corscadden - Educational Developer T: +44 (0)28 9038 4378 E: W:

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Presentation on theme: "Contact: Fergal Corscadden - Educational Developer T: +44 (0)28 9038 4378 E: W:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Contact: Fergal Corscadden - Educational Developer T: +44 (0)28 9038 4378 E: W: Centre for Excellence in Professional Development (CEPD) “To succeed it is necessary to accept the world as it is and rise above it.” Michael Korda

2 A brief background: Aspects of 'Learning for Life and Work' become part of the statutory curriculum in N.I. from September 2006 onwards. Forming a compulsory and integral part of teaching and learning in Northern Ireland schools, ‘Learning for Life and Work’ specifically includes the following elements: Education for Employability Citizenship Personal Social and Heath Education Home Economics This new and exciting area of the N. I. curriculum marks a shift in emphasis away from over concentration on content, towards a greater emphasis on skills development, creativity and enterprise. 2

3 P ilot Initiatives, CETL - Phase 1: There are a number of pilot initiatives in Phase 1 of CETLpilot initiatives Dr Brian Cummins, Senior Lecturer, Stranmillis University College is currently working with CCEA in N.I. on developing new materials for Schools based on Enterprise. Also working on an evaluation of the ‘From Little Acorns’ project ( primary education giving children an insight into the world of work, also about the development of the skills and capabilities required in the workplace. New publication due this year. Through our CETL we aim to devise for pre-professionals, situations where school pupils can develop enterprise skills: Teamwork (PBL), Finishing a project | highlighting the possibility of making a role/job for themselves. Students at the College will be using a PBL methodology supported with Video-case scenarios & Synchronous collaboration (industry/other schools). 3

4 E nterprising, Enterprise Working on an Innovative scheme involving collaboration between Stranmillis University College and Queens University Belfast: Centre for Excellence in the Creative and Performing Arts (NI) at QUBCentre for Excellence in the Creative and Performing Arts (NI) at QUB To produce simulated recorded video scenes of real-world classroom scenarios: the focus will be on the new GCSE Life & Work and the many and varied roles that a teacher will be expected to facilitate during their time as a professional. The emphasis will be on teacher facilitation of classroom discussion which forms a key component of the new, compulsory qualification from September 2006 onwards. We hope to use local actors and writers for the role play. 4

5 N ext Steps Disseminate findings via peer reviewed articles for example, Citizenship, Social and Economics Education – An International Journal | Others Market video/DVD scenarios to wider U.K market (and global). 5

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