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Green School Initiative. Why Children Need Nature Research suggests that a connection to nature is biologically innate; as humans, we have an affinity.

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Presentation on theme: "Green School Initiative. Why Children Need Nature Research suggests that a connection to nature is biologically innate; as humans, we have an affinity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Green School Initiative

2 Why Children Need Nature Research suggests that a connection to nature is biologically innate; as humans, we have an affinity for the natural world. When children spend most of their time indoors, they miss out. Problems associated with alienation from nature include familiar maladies: depression, obesity, and attention deficit disorder.obesity

3 Natural Settings Help Learning Kids who have direct access to nature are better learners. Exposure to nature has been shown to reduce stress and increase attention spans. Teaching hands-on experiences outdoors motivates students and teachers.

4 State and National Initiatives

5 Queens Creek Elementary Initiative Form an Eco Action Team of students, teachers, parents and community leaders. Become a certified as: PLT Green School Eco-School USA US Dept of Education Green Ribbon School

6 Develop a Eco-Action Team that participates in investigations with the assistance of: Content experts- Naturalist, Foresters, Gardeners, Scientist, Bird Watchers Grants- Form a grant writing team to develop grants Grants Community resources- County Extension office, Coastal Federation, Wildlife Rehab, Universities Receive Training- Project WET, Project WILD, Project Learning Tree Parent Volunteers!

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