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Agricultural Injuries Unit 2 Safety Prepared by: Ben Black.

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Presentation on theme: "Agricultural Injuries Unit 2 Safety Prepared by: Ben Black."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agricultural Injuries Unit 2 Safety Prepared by: Ben Black

2 Question Have you ever owned an animal? Have you ever been injured by an animal? If so, what type of injuries were they, were they severe?

3 Objectives Identify agricultural injuries; Describe ways to prevent agricultural injuries.

4 Vocabulary Hazard- anything with the potential to do harm Risk- the likelihood of potential harm from that hazard being realized.

5 Introduction According to the United States Department of Labor, and National Safety Council, agriculture is the most hazardous industry in the nation. Farming is an industry not only workers, but families are at risk of fatal and nonfatal injuries.

6 The Numbers Approximates ◦ 2.2 million farms in America ◦ 1.2 million farm operators ◦ 1.2 million hired workers ◦ 3 million migrant workers ◦ 1.12 million youth

7 Fatal Injuries 28.7 deaths per 100,000 adult workers ◦ Average rate is 3.7 deaths per 100,000 in all other industries) 43 deaths per 100,000 youth Over 700 farmers and ranchers die in work-related accidents yearly, and an estimated 200 plus youth die doing farm work or being bystanders

8 Injuries 120,000 agricultural workers suffer disabling injuries from work-related accidents 22,648 youth are seriously injured annually.

9 Past and Present Safety risk for children on farms are different then it was in the past. Why is that?

10 Activity Tape one student’s hand to the palm of their hands and try to pick up a pencil, or book Have another student put their writing arm behind their back, and try to write with the other.

11 Reasons for Childhood Agricultural Injuries Injuries greatly influenced by peer- pressure Do not like to look like failures Desire to Impress others Believe they are immortal

12 How to avoid injuries Plan ahead Act appropriately around the type of livestock being used. Check equipment before use Use appropriate sanitation, and hygiene practices

13 Objectives Identify agricultural injuries; Describe ways to prevent agricultural injuries.

14 Resources AgriLife Extension- 9/dec/index.php#section5 9/dec/index.php#section5 Ohio State University Extension- 137/farm-safety-for-children-what-job-is- right.html 137/farm-safety-for-children-what-job-is- right.html

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