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“Rethinking Hospitality Education” Joanne Malone Department of Languages, Tourism and Hospitality, Waterford Institute of Technology Waterford, E-mail:

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Presentation on theme: "“Rethinking Hospitality Education” Joanne Malone Department of Languages, Tourism and Hospitality, Waterford Institute of Technology Waterford, E-mail:"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Rethinking Hospitality Education” Joanne Malone Department of Languages, Tourism and Hospitality, Waterford Institute of Technology Waterford, E-mail: And Professor John Gardner Head of School School of Education, Queens University Belfast, E-mail:

2 Hospitality Education

3 Creativity Jackson (2002) defined creativity in higher education as; “Creativity is the ability to look at things in different ways, to find satisfaction in making or creating something and persevering with it until the end product. It involves hard work...” (2002:1).

4 Fostering creativity

5 How Define what creativity means for you Ideation Idea selection Implementation Evaluation

6 The Creative Classroom Less Traditional lecturer Demonstration Passivity Closed questions Fixed seating Teaching to the test Teacher as a transmitter of Knowledge Less

7 The Creative Classroom More Discussions Interaction Team work Inventing Doing Physical movement Exploratory questioning Testing teaching Teacher as a facilitator

8 What kills Creativity Chalk and talk PowerPoint Negativity Bureaucracy Assessment Resistance to change

9 Potential Benefits Innovative approaches to the curriculum Competitive advantage Encouraging professional development Collaborative approach to learning and teaching Evaluating own teaching practice Addressing professional standards More creative graduates Increased graduate employability More confident graduates

10 Conclusion Can we afford to ignore creativity?

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