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1 Archiving Update June 9, 2003 Chuck Palsho President, NewsBank Media Services 203.221.1200

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1 1 Archiving Update June 9, 2003 Chuck Palsho President, NewsBank Media Services 203.221.1200

2 Overview u NewsBank Media Services is a subsidiary of NewsBank, Inc. u NewsBank has provided publishers with archive related services for more than 30 years – microfiche, microfilm, CD- ROM, and Web. u NewsBank Media Services -- we provide archive products and services to publishers – newspapers, magazines, broadcast, wires, etc. u Archive hosting, archive systems, data filtering, conversion

3 Archive Experience u More than 1,000 publishers use our archive services u Hundreds of daily feeds (incoming and outgoing) u Ecommerce archive hosting – more than 200 customers u More than 700 newspapers online for use in education, consumer, government and corporate markets u More than 3,000 years of backfiles online u More than 100,000,000 articles online u More than 70 customers use our SAVE archiving system u 200 newspapers participate in our archive We spend a lot of time talking about archives…

4 ASCII Archives Ecommerce u Skyrocketing interest to get archives online t Need to drive revenue –First customer in 1999 –Acquired MediaStream in 2001 – added 75 titles –Now above more than 200 titles u Increased interest in improving archive revenue performance –Need to understand archive user, pricing, driving traffic

5 Publisher Questions About Ecommerce Archives? u Who are my customers? u What do they want? u Am I maximizing the archive revenue opportunity? u How does my archive revenue compare to others? u How can I improve my archive revenue? u New tools or enhancements to improve revenue?

6 Ecommerce Archive customers u Majority of archive customers want one copy of an article they have seen in the paper u Another small slice will download fewer than 5 articles u Very, very small slice will download more than 5 articles and come back on a regular basis

7 Archive Effectiveness u Stack rank comparisons against other archives u Comparison of key effectiveness metrics u Review of free vs. paid content u Pricing analysis (price points, packages, document utilization, etc.) u Site flow review u Prominence and placement of archive search boxes

8 PDFs u Current News PDFs –Many newspapers are offering front pages –30-40 offering the full current news PDF product –Not material revenue streams but still a lot of interest since the paper can get circulation credit u Historical PDFs –Very few papers have actual conversion work underway –Only very small handful are offering the converted historical product on the web sites –One paper considering replacing their ASCII archive with PDF –WAIT: understand the historical customer before you jump in that water…no publishers or vendor have any real experience in this water yet.

9 Archive Systems u SAVE archiving systems, text & image u Acquired from MediaStream in 2001 u Currently being rebuilt, from ground up u Preserving the best of the SAVE legacy with completely new technology architecture

10 Archive Systems u Needs to be multimedia (any media objects) u Needs to have an open architecture in order to fit into the existing publishing flow u Least disruption of the business as possible to integrate new or upgraded system u Content Management System, Digital Asset Management System – or is it an archive? u Tough economy – so keep the price reasonable…

11 Thanks.

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