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Office of Technology Commercialization Chuck Rancourt Director.

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1 Office of Technology Commercialization Chuck Rancourt Director

2 TEC @ RPI President IP, TT, NV OTCIncubator Tech ParkProvost VP Entrepreneurship Idea Competition Curriculum Lally School BIET Severino Center VP Research VP Advancement REN VP Finance RAF

3 History 1980 Incubator 1982 Tech Park 1988 Severino Center for Technological Entrepreneurship 1990 Patents & Licensing - renamed OTC –1996 Dedicated –2001 Expanded 2006 VP Entrepreneurship

4 Rensselaer Plan Technological entrepreneurship will be encouraged with new curricula for students, and new programs to take Rensselaer’s intellectual property to market. 6.1 Entrepreneurship Education and Research We will work to infuse understanding and encouragement of entrepreneurship through all schools and programs. 6.2 Intellectual Property and Technology Commercialization 6.2 Intellectual Property and Technology Commercialization With an expanding research base, we will cultivate a campus culture that provides the spirit and motivation for inventors to pursue commercialization. 6.3 Creating and Supporting New Ventures 6.3 Creating and Supporting New Ventures We will create innovative programs targeted at growing major new technological ventures and creating value.

5 Rensselaer Plan Section 6.2 – IP & TC –Create IP policies that encourage entrepreneurship and commercialization –Ensure adequate conflict of interest provisions –Develop infrastructure to support innovation and commercialization –Increase awareness of IP –Preserve and maximize value of IP

6 IP Policy Ownership of research results based on “mine, yours, ours” Obligation by contributor(s)/inventor(s) to disclose inventions to OTC Obligation by OTC to act on the disclosure – protect/commercialize or return to inventor(s) Inventor(s), department(s) and RPI share license income

7 OTC Mission The Office of Technology Commercialization at Rensselaer supports researchers in protecting intellectual property and bringing discoveries into the commercial marketplace. We are dedicated to building relationships with commercial partners to benefit Rensselaer, researchers, and the broader community.

8 Staff Chuck Rancourt Director BS, MS mgt (RPI) Paul Fredette, Ph.D. Associate Director chemical & environmental eng (Lowell, RPI) Art Holmer, Ph.D. Patent Associate/Agent physical chemistry (St. Johns, Clayton) Kellie Fredericks Licensing Associate for life sciences MBA (UAlbany) BS biology (Rochester) Donna Hoglund Business Administrator BS bus admin (Ball State) Elizabeth LaBarge Administrative Specialist AS liberal studies (HVCC) Kris Burton Licensing Associate for software & creative media MS environmental mgt (RPI) BS biology (Texas Tech) Beth Bornick Licensing Associate for physical sciences MBA (RPI) BS elec & comp eng (Clarkson)

9 Process Research discoveries –Keep detailed records –Identify prior art –Publications DisclosureOTC –Enabling description –Contributors –Sponsors –References Evaluation –Technical merits –Patentability –Commercial potential –Ability to enforce

10 Process Protection –Patent provisional vs. non-provisional U.S. and/or international –Copyright –Trademark Marketing Licensing –Existing company –New venture Commercialization – add value to discoveries

11 Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 Public Law No. 96-517 Universities able to retain title to patents derived from federally funded research Obligations –Disclose to agency within two months –Notify agency if electing to retain title –File application no later than one year –Notify agency not to continue –Include statement in application

12 Other Bayh-Dole Obligations Agree to provide agency all instruments Implement a policy about prompt disclosure Include standard clause in subcontracts Agree to submit utilization reports Require substantial manufacturing in US Agree that agency has march-in-rights Not assign without approval of agency Share royalties with inventors Use income to support research & education Reasonable efforts to license small businesses

13 Progress

14 Website

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