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Siâp a Gofod / Shape and Space SECTOR CYLCH / SECTOR OF CIRCLE.

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Presentation on theme: "Siâp a Gofod / Shape and Space SECTOR CYLCH / SECTOR OF CIRCLE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Siâp a Gofod / Shape and Space SECTOR CYLCH / SECTOR OF CIRCLE

2 ARWYNEBEDD SECTOR A HYD ARC AREA OF SECTOR AND ARC LENGTH Mae modd canfod arwynebedd a hyd arc unrhyw sector o gylch It’s possible to find the area and arc length of any sector of the circle Enghraifft / Example Chwarter cylch = 90°Radiws = 5cm Quarter circle = 90° Radius = 5cm 5cm

3 ARWYNEBEDD SECTOR A HYD ARC AREA OF SECTOR AND ARC LENGTH Mae modd canfod arwynebedd a hyd arc unrhyw sector o gylch It’s possible to find the area and arc length of any sector of the circle Enghraifft / Example Hanner cylch = 180°Radiws = 7.2cm Half of a circle = 180° Radius = 7.2cm 7.2cm

4 YMARFERION / EXERCISES Cyfrifwch arwynebedd a hyd arc y canlynol Calculate the area and arc length of the following 5cm 3.5cm 7.8cm 2.3cm4.9cm 2.3cm 9.5cm 8.8cm 7.1cm 9.9cm

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