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Tools for Reading Success Lori Elliott. Did you Know? About what percentage of students have difficulty learning to read?

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Presentation on theme: "Tools for Reading Success Lori Elliott. Did you Know? About what percentage of students have difficulty learning to read?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools for Reading Success Lori Elliott

2 Did you Know? About what percentage of students have difficulty learning to read?

3 60%

4 If a child is a poor reader at the end of first grade, there is an almost 90% probability that the child will be a poor reader at the end of fourth grade.

5 Birth to age 8 are the most critical years for learning to read and write.

6 Balanced Approach ComprehensionWordsWriting Fluency/Rereading

7 Before-During-After

8 By Robert Barry

9 Chocolate Maniac By: Brod Bagert ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ t eac he r tast e

10 Chocolate Maniac I love my mother I love my dad, I love my brother, Through he drives me mad. My teacher? She is fine and dandy. But I really love My chocolate candy. I eat it when it's hot, I eat it when it's cold, I eat it when it's fresh, And I eat it when it's old.

11 I eat it by the ounce, I eat it by the pound, I eat it at the table, And I eat it off the ground. I eat it and I eat it Till my belly's going to pop, Then I eat a little more -- I don't know how to stop.

12 I love that chocolate taste, Oh, so gooey, sweet, and thick, But I've eaten way too much And I feel a little sick. I have got to learn to stop, I have got to take control. I'll give chocolate up forever... WHEN I'M 99 YEARS OLD!

13 Groupings: When and Why? Independen t Small Group Partner s Whole Group


15 Read Alouds are so important Build Background Fiction/ NonFictio n Length s Genre s Levels


17 Organizing Book Baskets Organize by Author Organize by Level Organize by Topic Organize by Genre



20 Hang Those Bottoms Down! Hang those bottoms down, down Hang those bottoms down Some letters stand tall Some sit on the wall Some hang their bottoms down, down

21 Phonics or Phonemic Awareness PHONICS Visual Letters and Letter Names Rule Based Print Centered Spelling to Sound System PHONEMIC AWARENESS Auditory Speech Based Speech Sounds have letters Phoneme Discrimination

22 Kids with Phonemic Awareness When words start alike When words rhyme When words are long words or short words If words have “lots of letters” or just a few How to stretch letter sounds How to play with words

23 The Wishy-Washy Washerwoman In the deep dark jungle where nobody goes There’s a wishy-washy washerwoman washing her clothes She goes “Ooh, ahh, ooh, ahh, Ooh ahh ahh and a ringy- ding-ding!”

24 Woodchuck How much wood would a woodchuck chuck If a woodchuck could chuck wood? A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could If a woodchuck could chuck wood!

25 Back to Back



28 Spelling Instruction Should Include: Alphabetic Principle Knowledge Pattern Information Meaning Information

29 Environmental Print/Word Wall

30 Structure of the Workshop 1. Minilesson/ Modeling by the teacher 2. Students Write/Teacher Conferences with students 3. Author’s Chair: Share time

31 Mini-Lessons/Modeling Short about 10 minutes. Focused on one particular topic. Always involve modeling: teacher writing, student samples, books.



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