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Colour Therapy.

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1 Colour Therapy

2 Colour Therapy Colour therapy is a technique of restoring imbalances in the body by applying coloured lights or substances to the body. The idea is an ancient one and can be traced back to the Healing temples of Light and Colour in ancient Egypt. Theo Gimbel, an English colour therapist surveyed over a thousand people to find out their colour preferences and blue came out tops with 33% claiming it as their favourite. Red was way behind as the second favourite at 16%. Colour therapy or photodynamic therapy is now used in convential medicine, it’s the frequency or wavelength of the chosen colour which is effective.

3 Red Strengthens the life force, reflects will and sexuality.
It stimulates deeper passions and can strengthen the physical energy of a person. Red is balanced by green. Symbolic of heat, fire and anger; Used by some therapists to help alleviate paralysis and blood aliments

4 Orange The colour of activity, joy and wisdom and helps people feel sociable. Too much orange can be balanced by blue-green. Used to increase the pulse rate, stimulate the milk producing action of the breast after childbirth, dispel kidney and gallstones and can help in the treatment of hernias and appendicitis.

5 Yellow Mental activity, intellectual power and ability.
It awakens the joy of living and can increase enthusiasm for life and learning. Too much yellow can be balanced by blue. Associated with joy and happiness, and also the intellect. This colour provides energy to the lymphatic systems can be used in the treatment of diabetes, indigestion, kidney and liver ailments, constipation and some eye and throat infections.

6 Green Balance, growth and calming are the attributes of green.
Green assists growth and should not be applied to a client suffering from a tumour or cancerous condition. Awakens hope, faith and peace. Usually applied in the emerald hue, this colour is used in to treat nervous conditions, hay fever, ulcers, flu and colds. Therapists regard green as the colour of harmony.

7 Blue Peace, faith and aspiration combine in blue.
Cooling and soothing it has an antiseptic effect. Awakens intuition and eases loneliness. A cool colour, associated in the Chakra systems with the throat. Used to alleviate pain, reduce bleeding, healing of burns, dysentery, colic and respiratory problems.

8 Indigo Integration, purification and altered states of consciousness.
Used in the endocrine and reproductive systems to stimulate and assist healing. Too much indigo can be balanced by soft orange shades. A purifying colour associated with the pituitary gland and energy centre in the forehead. It has a soothing effect on migraines, eyes, ears and the nervous system.

9 Violet Purification and practical spirituality.
Aids the skeletal and nervous systems. It stimulates inspiration and humility. Associated with psychic and spiritual powers. It can be applied in treating nervous and emotional disturbances, arthritis and in easing childbirth.

10 . Colour Triangle

11 How to Use For Physical Diseases.
Take a coloured (required) bottle having water in it. Leave the bottle in sun light, not in direct sun light. In front of window would be good place where sun light fall on bottle and passes through, place the bottle nearly about 4 to 5 hours. Drink half cup three times a day, continue until you feel any progress.

12 For Psychological problems.
When light enters through the eyes (or the skin) it travels neurological pathways to the pineal glands. Different colors give off different wavelength frequencies and these different frequencies have different effects on physical and psychological functions. For psychological problems, just stick around required colour. Wear coloured clothes, paint the walls of your room.

13 Blue colour has calming effects, studies have shown that when disruptive children were placed in blue classrooms, their aggression subsided dramatically. An even more interesting report stated that when officials in England switched the color of bridges in London from black to blue, the rate of suicide there decreased by 50%. Try and feel the difference.

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