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Energy Energy = travels in WAVES –Waves carry energy from one place to another –Light and sound both move in Waves.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Energy = travels in WAVES –Waves carry energy from one place to another –Light and sound both move in Waves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Energy = travels in WAVES –Waves carry energy from one place to another –Light and sound both move in Waves

2 Characteristics of Waves Crest - top of the wave Trough - bottom of the wave Wavelength = distance from crest to crest Amplitude = Height of the wave Frequency = # of waves per cycle

3 Wave Diagram

4 Light Light - form of energy that travels in waves –light travels in straight line = RAYS –Beam = group of rays traveling in the same direction –Speed of Light = 186,282 miles/ sec

5 Light Visible light = light we see ROYGBIV –red –orange –yellow –green –blue –indigo –violet

6 Light cont. Ultraviolet light = short wavelengths that we can’t see Infared light = long wavelengths of light we can’t see

7 What happens when light strikes a surface? 1. Reflection - light bounces off a surface –ex. Mirror

8 –Refraction - light is bent when it travels through a substance Ex. Water = slows light –image appears to be closer than it is.

9 Color Color = reflection of a wavelength of light –visible light Visible = ROYGBIV

10 Prisms- triangular shaped objects made of clear glass –separate light into individual wavelengths –ROYGBIV

11 Sound Form of energy that moves in waves - million times slower than Light -Made by vibration of molecules -travels best through solids - Larger amplitude = louder sound

12 Electrical Currents Conductors - materials that electricity travel well through –metals, copper, gold, iron –allow electrons to flow through

13 Magnetic Fields Each end of a magnet has a Pole Pole = act like electrical charges –Like poles = same = they repel each other –Opposite poles = attract each other + and -

14 Magnet = any piece of stone, metal that attracts iron or steel Magnetism = property of all matter only some materials have a strong enough magnetism to be noticed

15 cont The magnetic force = strongest at the poles Electrons = create magnetic pull When a magnet is heated or hammered the magnetic field of the electron return to their random positions

16 Insulators Electrical Insulators = materials that electricity can’t travel through well. Ex. Rubber and Plastic= coating on a wire or plug.

17 Batteries Batteries = change chemical energy to electrical energy - made of two metals and an acid acid moves electrons from one metal and adds it to another One metal becomes positively charged One is negatively charged

18 Circuit Circuit = unbroken path of electricity flows through Usually contains a battery (energy) source, switch, and resistor (light) switch = open= electricity cannot flow switch = closed = electricity can flow

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