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Ex. 1. They can be__ three large groups. 2. She was___ on of the greatest scientists of our times. A. Classified into B. Classified as C. Classified to.

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Presentation on theme: "Ex. 1. They can be__ three large groups. 2. She was___ on of the greatest scientists of our times. A. Classified into B. Classified as C. Classified to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ex. 1. They can be__ three large groups. 2. She was___ on of the greatest scientists of our times. A. Classified into B. Classified as C. Classified to be D. classified A B

2 3.The time ___ the meeting was 2 pm. A. was appointed to B. appointed to C. appointed for D. appointing for C

3 4. Snow ___ a depth of five feet. A. increased to B. accumulated to C. accumulated by B

4 5. Police will be ___ trouble- makers at today ’ s match. A. look out for B. looking out for C. look out at D. looking out at A

5 6. I know nothing about the project. Can you explain it to me___? 7. Can you give me a ___ explanation? A. in detail B. in details C. detailed D. detail A C

6 8.Because of his good work, John _____ a high class. A. was promoted to B. promoted into C. was promoted from D. was promoting to A

7 have an appetite for 9. 此时此刻她无心闲聊。 At the moment she had no appetite for gossip.

8 10. 他正忙着准备入学考试。 be involved in He is involved in preparing for the entrance exam = be busy doing / be engaged in 从事, 忙于 …… involve sb. / sth. in (doing ) sth. 使某人 / 物参与 …… Don’t involve me in solving your problems.

9 11. 她陷入绝望之中。 She abandoned herself to despair. ( 与 oneself 连用 ) 使放纵 ; 使听任 [(+to)]

10 Grammar ---object

11 宾语 直接宾语:表动作的承受者 间接宾语:表动作是对谁或为谁做的 He asked me a question.

12 可充当宾语的有 名词或代词 数词 动词不定式 动名词或动名词的复合结构 宾语从句

13 名词或代词 He bought a book. He told it to me in the classroom.

14 数词 Two plus two makes four.

15 动词不定式 He wanted to have a holiday.

16 动名词 No one likes being laughed at.

17 动名词的复合结构 He apologized for___to inform me of the change in the plan. A. His being not able B. his not to be able C. his not being able D. he not being able c 在动名词前加表示人的名词, 名词所有格,人称代词,或 物主代词,表示动名词动作 的发出者

18 宾语从句 that 引导 : He said(that)he was right. 若谓语动词后带有两个或两个以上以 that 引导的宾语从句, 除第一个 that 外, 其余均不能省略。

19 whether 或 if 引导,表 “ 是否,能否 ” This depends on _______he is interested. whether 介词后的宾语从句用 whether 引导 whether ….or not whether or not

20 连接代词和连接副词引导 连接代词: who , whom , whose , what , which 连接副词: when , where , how , why He asked whose handwriting was the best. I don’t know why he didn’t come. 宾语从句一律用陈述语序

21 英语中某些及物动词后习惯跟动名词作宾语 避免错过 avoid, miss 延期完成 postpone, finish 建议练习 suggest, practice 承认冒险 admit, risk 否定妒忌 deny, envy 禁不住喜欢想象 can ’ t help,enjoy, imagine 请原谅逃避 excuse,escape 介意保持忍受 mind, keep, stand

22 有些动词只能跟不定式作宾语 afford, agree, ask decide, demand expect fail help, hope mange offer plan, prepare, pretend, promise refuse, seem wish

23 Multiple choice: 1.----What do you think of the matter ? ----- Don’t you remember I have already ____ that it was troublesome ? A. made it clear B. made clear C. took it for granted D. made sure 2. Peter was frustrated. I wonder _____ him. A. what was the matter with B. what the matter was with C. what had happened to D. what has occurred

24 3.-----What do you think upset him so much ? ------ ___________. A. Because he failed in the exam. B. His failing in the exam C. For he failed in the exam D. Him failing in the exam 4.----How many students passed the maths test ? ----- _______, for it was too much for them. A. Nobody B. A few C. None D. No one A

25 5.After the summer vacation, the professor, together with his fellow teachers, ____ the scientific experiment A. gets down to B. get down to C. goes down D. go down 6.It is not right to give a child ______ he or she asks for. A. what B. whatever C. that D. no matter what

26 7.I never doubt ______ he was dedicated to our firm. A. that B. whether C. if D. what 8.I don ’ t know when he _______at the destination. When he _____, please keep me informed. A. will arrive, will arrive B. arrives, arrives C. will arrive, arrives D. arrives, will arrive A

27 9.My god, here you are! We were looking for you everywhere. I regret ______ you that your elder brother is in hospital now. A. to tell B. telling C. having told D. and tell 10. a. The accident took place in ______ was called “ death zone ” b. The accident took place in ______ he was too careless. A. what B. that C. where D. when A. B

28 The end

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