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Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Slide 1 Introduction to the Computers & Internet Chapter 1 Concepts of Information Technology IT.

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Presentation on theme: "Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Slide 1 Introduction to the Computers & Internet Chapter 1 Concepts of Information Technology IT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Slide 1 Introduction to the Computers & Internet Chapter 1 Concepts of Information Technology IT

2 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Slide 2 What You Will Learn About Computer Hardware Components. Measurements Unit and the parts of the mother Board and CPU. Introduction to the Computers & Internet, prof.Abdullah AlMosa

3 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Computer Hardware Components - Computer have two basic components, these components are : 1)Hardware : physical component like keyboard, cables. 2)Software : set of Instructions that tell computer what to do and how to do it. Slide 3 Introduction to the Computers & Internet, prof.Abdullah AlMosa

4 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Slide 4 Input: Getting Data into the Computer Introduction to the Computers & Internet, prof.Abdullah AlMosa

5 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Computer Hardware ( Input Units ) - Input Unit : this unit is translating the data from users to processing unit, for example of Input units : 1)Keyboard : board containing keys of letters, numbers, functions. 2)Mouse. 3) Scanner : converts pages contain text, images into electric signals which can stored in a computer. 4) Bar Code Reader. 5) Joy stick Slide 5 Introduction to the Computers & Internet, prof.Abdullah AlMosa

6 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Slide 6 Output: Getting Data out the Computer Introduction to the Computers & Internet, prof.Abdullah AlMosa

7 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Computer Hardware ( Output Units ) 1) Monitor : Like TV Screen, display text, images, Information, screens are different in ( size, Color, Resolution ). 2) Printer : used to print information on pages. Hint : Touch screen are both input\output unit. Slide 7 Introduction to the Computers & Internet, prof.Abdullah AlMosa

8 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Computer Hardware ( Processing Units ) CPU ( Central Processing Unit ) perform actual processing of data. Slide 8 Introduction to the Computers & Internet, prof.Abdullah AlMosa

9 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Computer Hardware ( Memory Units ) Slide 9 Introduction to the Computers & Internet, prof.Abdullah AlMosa 1)RAM ( Random Access Memory ). 2)ROM ( Read – Only Memory ).

10 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Slide 10 Memory Unit RAM – Random Access memory is volatile memory ( Its can’t retain the data after power supply switched off or you can say it’s lost the stored the data when the power switched off ), RAM is directly accessible by the system, You (user) can’t use this type of memory for storing your data ( Pictures, Music, video file, text etc ). Introduction to the Computers & Internet, prof.Abdullah AlMosa

11 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Slide 11 Memory Unit ROM- Read Only Memory is type of non-volatile memory i.e. it retains its data even power switched off. In the old days the data stored in the ROM can’t be modified so these memory called as Read Only Memory, But now its possible to modify the data on the ROM ( some special type of ROM only ). Introduction to the Computers & Internet, prof.Abdullah AlMosa

12 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Computer Hardware ( Storage Units ) Slide 12 1)Internal unit : ( Hard Disk ) located within the computer. 2)External unit : (Floppy Disk ) it is small and portable. 3) CD. 4) Flash Memory : easy to use devices. Introduction to the Computers & Internet, prof.Abdullah AlMosa

13 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Slide 13 Storage Measurement Units Introduction to the Computers & Internet, prof.Abdullah AlMosa

14 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Storage measurement units 1)Byte : 8 bit. 2)Kilo Byte (KB) : is equals 1024 byte. 3)Mega Byte (MB) : is equals 1024 KB. 4)Gaga Byte (GB) : is equals 1024 Mega byte. Slide 14 Introduction to the Computers & Internet, prof.Abdullah AlMosa

15 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Slide 15 Measurements Units RAM measurements units: The capacity of RAM is measured by Mega Byte and Giga Byte. Cash Memory: is a special memory in processor. Introduction to the Computers & Internet, prof.Abdullah AlMosa

16 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Slide 16 Measurements Units The cache memory is used to increase the speed and efficiency of the processor and increase the capacity of the memory. The speed of the processor is measured by:  Hz  1MHz=1000Hz  1GHz=1000MHz Introduction to the Computers & Internet, prof.Abdullah AlMosa

17 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Slide 17 Case Computer Case: is a box used to contain all the hardware to protect them. Introduction to the Computers & Internet, prof.Abdullah AlMosa

18 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Slide 18 Case Mother Board: Is a main component in a computer. The functions of the mother board: 1- Distribute the electricity power. 2- Buses. Introduction to the Computers & Internet, prof.Abdullah AlMosa

19 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Slide 19 Case External Slot on the Mother Board Introduction to the Computers & Internet, prof.Abdullah AlMosa

20 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Slide 20 Case Drives: are the hardware which are used to read the content of desk and CDs or to write the information on it. The hard disk contains many disks. The floppy disk contains only one disk. Introduction to the Computers & Internet, prof.Abdullah AlMosa

21 Computers Are Your Future Chapter 1 Slide 21

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