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Electromagnetic Induction AP Physics Chapter 21. Electromagnetic Induction 21.1 Induced EMF.

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Presentation on theme: "Electromagnetic Induction AP Physics Chapter 21. Electromagnetic Induction 21.1 Induced EMF."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electromagnetic Induction AP Physics Chapter 21

2 Electromagnetic Induction 21.1 Induced EMF

3 Induced EMF Michael Faraday – a changing magnetic field can produce an electric current This is an induced current 21.1

4 Induced EMF A magnet moved quickly into a coil of wire induces a current When it is quickly moved the other way, a current is induced in the opposite direction 21.1

5 Electromagnetic Induction 21.2 Faraday’s Law of Induction; Lenz’s Law

6 Faraday’s Law of Induction; Lenz’s Law From experiments the induced emf depends on 1.Rate of change of the magnetic field 2.Loop’s area 3.Angle Magnetic flux is the total number of magnetic field line passing through the are enclosed by the loop 21.2

7 Faraday’s Law of Induction; Lenz’s Law Magnetic Flux When  is 90, no field lines pass through the loop The unit for magnetic flux is a weber 21.2

8 S-136 A wire that forms a loop that is 25 cm on a side and is placed in a 4T magnetic field. A current of 10 A is then run through the wire. What is the maximum and minimum torque that can be applied to the wire under these circumstances?

9 Faraday’s Law of Induction; Lenz’s Law Since the induced EMF is the rate of change of flux This is Faraday’s Law of Induction For multiple loops in a magnetic field Where N is the number of loops in the field 21.2

10 S-138 A wire loop with a diameter of 25 cm goes from being perpendicular to a magnetic field to parallel in 0.3s. The field strength is 10T. A.What is the change in magnetic flux? B.What is the induced EMF? C.If the field points into the board, and the left side of the loop is rotation out of the board, what is the direction of the induced current?

11 Faraday’s Law of Induction; Lenz’s Law Lenz’s Law – a current produced by an induced emf moves in a direction so that its magnetic field (produced by the current) opposes the original change in flux 21.2

12 Faraday’s Law of Induction; Lenz’s Law Steps in problem solving – Lenz’s Law 1.Determine if the magnetic flux inside the loop is decreasing, increasing, or unchanged 2.The magnetic field due to the induced current a. Points in the same direction as the external field if the flux is decreasing b. Points in the opposite direction if the flux is increasing c. Is zero if the flux is not changing 21.2

13 Faraday’s Law of Induction; Lenz’s Law Steps in problem solving – Lenz’s Law 3.Use the right hand rule-1 to find the direction of the induced current 4.Always keep in mind that there are two magnetic fields a. An external field whose flux must be changed if it is to induce an electric current b. A magnetic field produced by the induced current 21.2

14 S-139 A rectangular wire loop that has sides of 1.2 m spins in a magnetic field so that it makes a complete revolution every 2.4s. If the magnetic field that it spins through has a field strength of 1.9T, how many loops are required to produce a maximum potential difference of 120V?

15 Electromagnetic Induction 21.3 EMF Induced in a Moving Conductor

16 Faraday’s Law of Induction; Lenz’s Law If the rod above is made to move at a velocity v The area of the rod increases So the change in area is The induce EMF is 21.3

17 Faraday’s Law of Induction; Lenz’s Law Sometimes called motional emf True as long as components are mutually perpendicular 21.3

18 S-139 A dog with a mass of 3.5 kg is floating in space. He has 25.8x10 18 extra electrons placed on him. A.What is the charge on the dog? B.The magnetic field of the earth at the point he is floating is 7T. What is the force on the dog? C.What is the net force on the dog if his rocket pack is thrusting him at a constant 85 m/s parallel to the magnetic field?

19 Electromagnetic Induction 21.4 Changing Magnetic Flux Produces an Electric Field

20 Changing Magnetic Flux Produces Electric Field Since there is an induced current when there is an induced EMF, there must be an electric field A changing magnetic field induces and electric field So since And The electric field must be 21.4

21 S-140 An alpha particle (2 protons, 2 neutrons) is shot upward into a 5T magnetic field that is directed into the plane of the board. It is traveling at 200,000 m/s when it enters the field. A.What is the force on the particle? B.What is the diameter of the arc that it travels through?

22 Electromagnetic Induction 21.5 Electric Generators

23 Electric Generators Generator – converts mechanical energy (spinning) into AC current. If we look at just one perpendicular arm of the loop Since we have two arms in each loop Now if we add loops 21.5 Generator Simulation

24 S-141 A 250 kg fat dude is standing on a slope that makes an angle of 52 o with the horizontal. If the coefficient of friction is 0.22, what is his acceleration down the slope?

25 Funny

26 S-142 A electron is accelerated through 10V and then injected perpendicular to a 25T field pointed downward. What is the centripetal force acting on the electron?

27 S-143 Happy Test Day

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