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Training strategies, employment and the private sector Manfred Wallenborn Bergamo, December 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Training strategies, employment and the private sector Manfred Wallenborn Bergamo, December 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training strategies, employment and the private sector Manfred Wallenborn Bergamo, December 2010

2 Problems: Challenges of the future require new skills all educational sub systems are affected what’s about VET driven human capital development?

3 Publicly driven VET has structural limits private sector has better learning environments and mobilizes additional funds for training

4 Training in enterprises pays off to avoid employment problems it should follow approved training regulations complexity requires stakeholder involvement in VET

5 Partner countries: VET reforms still required typical bottlenecks: resources, teaching and managing staff, school based curricula more piloting of cooperation in VET rather than systematically implemented

6 Comprehensive approach for reforms : builds on partner countries ownership uses information from strategic national groups involves systematically national stakeholders

7 Avoid risks for human capital development and employment no narrow competence profiles modest salaries and long working hours dead ends without educational perspectives

8 Transition countries skills second biggest obstacle for enterprise development and more employment Comprehensive approaches: informal sector is different from high tech skills Look at VET reform in comprehensive approaches (good practice Korea)

9 Next operational steps: encourage stakeholders, social partners promote national and regional VET councils set up sector committees on different levels

10 Avoid misunderstandings: publicly regulated VET must not be executed by public VET schools Private sector a source of valid information rather than an obstacle to avoid unemployment

11 Further information WWW.ETF.EUROPA.EU THANKS !!!

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14 ENP South: Tunisia and Morocco developed legislation SME not represented and informal sector a huge problem Diversity of cooperation but it exists everywhere More in VET rather than higher education

15 IPA region: Turkey (and Croatia) very advanced others: Missing enabling environment, incentives and legislation (SME business) a lot of diversity on operational level

16 Future action: awareness raising, evidence based learning invest in projects continuous and structured dialogue use Tempus more targeted



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