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Technology in Health Service Transformation Stephen Johnson Deputy Director – Head of Long Term Conditions Department of Health

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1 Technology in Health Service Transformation Stephen Johnson Deputy Director – Head of Long Term Conditions Department of Health

2 Assistive Technology – Whole System Demonstrators The WSD Programme A two year research project funded by the Department of Health to find out how technology can help people manage their own health while maintaining their independence. The largest randomised control trial of Telecare and Telehealth in the world. 6,000 members of the public are involved, 3 sites, 238 GP practices, dozens of health communities. Why….? We know the technology works, but there is a lack of robust evidence around the effectiveness of Telecare and Telehealth. The programme aims to help to close this evidence gap. Being the Best: Delivering Game-Changing Innovation in Health

3 What have we learnt Being the Best: Delivering Game-Changing Innovation in Health  Technology is only part of the story, you must re-design services to maximize the benefit of the tech  That includes looking again at skill mix and facilities  Clinical engagement is essential, but takes time  Patients are suspicious, and building trust takes time  Our data was not as good as we thought, disease registers were out of date of inaccurate  Some population groups were very difficult to reach  Good project/programme management is essential  What you do on a small scale does not necessarily scale But…………………………..

4 If you get it right, and focus on the whole system Being the Best: Delivering Game-Changing Innovation in Health Work across traditional organisational boundaries Re-design care pathways Educate patients and the public Build clinical advocacy Share Information Develop interoperable systems Re-train staff The rewards are significant…………………..

5 But there’s still one problem..…diffusion It boils down to culture, behaviour and leadership! Being the Best: Delivering Game-Changing Innovation in Health

6 Barriers to delivery at scale need to be overcome. This will need significant leadership at all levels as well as raising awareness of what can be achieved and how to use the technology properly. But to lead needs a direction - align incentives, re-train staff, develop interoperability, embed common standards and reduce high unit costs. Delivering the benefits – Releasing Innovation Government has already committed to support an industry led Code of Practice. Yet more could be achieved by encouraging “patient pull” (showing that there is an alternative to using traditional buildings), using the media to give sustained information and ensuring NHS is supported to change.

7 Being the Best: Delivering Game-Changing Innovation in Health World Class Research - World Class Industry - World Class Health Telehealth and telecare embedded in a transformed health and social care system can deliver better outcomes and improved independence for people with long term conditions…….. …………………… A Better Quality of Life So Where are we?

8 A final thought on culture………….. Being the Best: Delivering Game-Changing Innovation in Health For every minute you focus on the potential opportunities for efficiency gains from transactional activity… …you need to spend at least twice as long thinking about culture change and how you will take people with you.

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