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Mental Health (a.k.a. Emotional Health). “The state of being free from mental disturbances that limit functioning.” Mental health is…

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Presentation on theme: "Mental Health (a.k.a. Emotional Health). “The state of being free from mental disturbances that limit functioning.” Mental health is…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mental Health (a.k.a. Emotional Health)

2 “The state of being free from mental disturbances that limit functioning.” Mental health is…

3 If you know of someone who has been diagnosed with a mental disorder, how does the disorder impact their ability to function? (How is their daily life impacted?)

4 Keep in mind that: The function of a healthy brain is to perform in a manner that enables human survival…


6 Let’s take a look: 7- Step Process of mental function

7 1. Stimulus occurs (thought, dream, see, hear, smell, taste, touch) Our brain is continuously bombarded by stimuli 7 – Step Process of Mental Function

8 2. Our brain enables us to interpret the stimulus (What does it mean?) Not everyone interprets a stimulus the same way! Examples?

9 3. An emotional response follows (Are you indifferent, sad, anxious, scared, happy?) The emotion you feel depends on your interpretation (perception) of the stimulus. Examples?

10 4. Your brain immediately releases neurotransmitter(s) in response to the emotion (dopamine, endorphins, serotonin, acetylcholine, epinephrine...) The release is just long enough to support the emotional response and then re-uptake of the neurotransmitter occurs…

11 5. A physiological response results from the release of neurotransmitters (heart rate, breathing, muscle tension, salivation, relaxation, etc…) Keep in mind that the physiological response is not directly in your control!

12 6. A behavioral response occurs (running, thinking, speaking, moving, lifting, eating, laughing, yelling, whispering, grinning, squinting, turning, flinching, etc.…) Even though you may not be able to control your physiological response in step 5, your behavioral response can often be controlled.

13 7. Outcome Did you respond effectively to the stimulus?

14 Now let’s look at an example

15 1.Stimulus occurs (thought, dream, see, hear, smell, taste, touch) You are walking down the hall to class and the tardy bell rings

16 2. Your brain interprets the stimulus. (You give the stimulus meaning.) What does it mean to you? It means…. You realize you’re going to be late to class.

17 3. An emotional response occurs (indifferent, apathy, sad, anxious, fear, happy, etc.) You are scared

18 4. Your brain immediately releases neurotransmitter(s) in response to the emotion (dopamine, endorphins, serotonin, acetylcholine, epinephrine...) Adrenaline and endorphins surge into the bloodstream.

19 5. A physiological response results from the release of neurotransmitters Your heart begins to race, your muscles tighten, your stomach tightens, and you become hyper-alert.

20 6. A behavioral response occurs (running, moving, lifting, eating, laughing, yelling, whispering, grinning, flinching…) You sprint to the door and jump inside the room.

21 7. Outcome The teacher’s back was to the door so she didn’t notice that you were late. You were able to get to class without being counted as tardy.

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