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Undercliffe Voices Jane South, Sue Hodgson, Pauline Bland, Margaret Blenkinsop, Caroline Newell.

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Presentation on theme: "Undercliffe Voices Jane South, Sue Hodgson, Pauline Bland, Margaret Blenkinsop, Caroline Newell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Undercliffe Voices Jane South, Sue Hodgson, Pauline Bland, Margaret Blenkinsop, Caroline Newell

2 Undercliffe Voices Health Needs Assessment A community survey A community survey Designed and carried out by 7 community researchers Designed and carried out by 7 community researchers Supported by Supported by –Bradford District Health Promotion –Powerhouse project –Bradford Community Voluntary Services –Leeds Metropolitan University

3 Presentation Background Background Training and recruitment Training and recruitment Designing questionnaire – why and how Designing questionnaire – why and how What the researchers thought What the researchers thought Some reflections Some reflections

4 A view of Undercliffe -

5 Another view of Undercliffe

6 Background Undercliffe part of Newlands Regeneration Area Undercliffe part of Newlands Regeneration Area Census 2001 Census 2001 –67% White British –29% Asian 7 th most deprived ward in Bradford 7 th most deprived ward in Bradford 62% children in low income families 62% children in low income families

7 Aims of project Gathering information on health and social needs Gathering information on health and social needs Providing training and support to allow community researchers to carry out a local survey Providing training and support to allow community researchers to carry out a local survey Engaging and empowering individuals in the Undercliffe area. Engaging and empowering individuals in the Undercliffe area.

8 Training and recruitment Community Health Needs Training Community Health Needs Training –Accredited through Open College 15 weeks training – 1 day a week 15 weeks training – 1 day a week Recruitment through events – meeting face-to-face Recruitment through events – meeting face-to-face 7 young Asian women recruited 7 young Asian women recruited

9 The group

10 Designing a questionnaire – Why? Past experience Past experience –many needs assessments professionally led Community researchers keen to get involved Community researchers keen to get involved Critiqued other questionnaires – “no way” Critiqued other questionnaires – “no way” –Too long –Too difficult –Too obtrusive/inappropriate

11 Designing a questionnaire – How? 1 st stage Gathered some basic information on needs in area Gathered some basic information on needs in area Practised asking questions Practised asking questions Critiqued other questionnaires Critiqued other questionnaires

12 2 nd stage Individuals developed questions they wanted to ask Individuals developed questions they wanted to ask Group put together questionnaire Group put together questionnaire –Some guidance on how to ask good questions –Chose open and closed questions Piloted with friends and family Piloted with friends and family Agreed final questionnaire together Agreed final questionnaire together

13 What happened next? Community survey carried out by community researchers – August 2002 Community survey carried out by community researchers – August 2002 68 local people interviewed 68 local people interviewed Researchers planned and ran dissemination event in May 2003 Researchers planned and ran dissemination event in May 2003

14 Launching the report

15 What the researchers thought “The whole group decided on the questions. We picked out the important questions. That was really good. We were happy with the questions – they belonged to us”. “The whole group decided on the questions. We picked out the important questions. That was really good. We were happy with the questions – they belonged to us”.

16 “When I heard about the community research, I thought it would be too hard for me and that I wouldn’t be able to do it. But is has been really good”. “When I heard about the community research, I thought it would be too hard for me and that I wouldn’t be able to do it. But is has been really good”. “It was quite exciting. It was really interesting. We all took part in it. It was our questionnaire. It was our questions”. “It was quite exciting. It was really interesting. We all took part in it. It was our questionnaire. It was our questions”.

17 Reflections A leap of faith A leap of faith Design took time and effort Design took time and effortBUT Excellent questionnaire Excellent questionnaire Very relevant with appropriate questions Very relevant with appropriate questions Community researchers developed understanding and skills Community researchers developed understanding and skills Local ownership Local ownership

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