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Medical Simulators By Matt McGuire. Why? How do medicine and computers merge? What’s new in medical training?

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Simulators By Matt McGuire. Why? How do medicine and computers merge? What’s new in medical training?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Simulators By Matt McGuire

2 Why? How do medicine and computers merge? What’s new in medical training?

3 Outline Background on clinical skills Need for new technology Cathsim Demo Summary Reference

4 Traditional Training Methods Artificial arms Fellow students Oranges Patients

5 Why are alternatives needed? Less painful Less legal risk Less stress on student Greater student confidence Greater realism

6 Medical Simulators Minimally invasive surgery Endoscopy Injections Heart surgery

7 CathSim Allows Students to practice vital procedures Integrated learning Multiple scenarios Portable

8 CathSim Demo Click link to view DemoDemo

9 Summary Integration of healthcare and technology Students benefit Healthcare consumer benefits

10 Reference Immersion Corporation ASU College of Nursing Home

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