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Implementation of RIS in Lubelskie Region 2007-2013 Marshall’s Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation of RIS in Lubelskie Region 2007-2013 Marshall’s Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation of RIS in Lubelskie Region 2007-2013 Marshall’s Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship

2 Pomorskie Zachodnioomorskie Warmińsko -Mazurskie PodlaskieKujawsko- Pomorskie Mazowieckie Wielkopolskie Lubuskie Dolnośląskie Łódzkie Opolskie Świętokrzyskie Śląskie Małopolskie Podkarpackie Lubelskie Region LubelskieLubelskie Belarus Lithuania UkraineRussia Area – 25.115 km 2 Population – 2 242 000 inhabitants (over 50% live in rural areas)

3 Development strategy Settlement and economic areas in the Regional Development Strategy Main export products: 1.Food products 2.Furniture 3.Coal 4.Clothing 5.Tractors 6.Fertilisers 7.Helicopters 8.Cement 9.Footwear 10.Bearings

4 Lublin – the capital of the region Lublin – the largest administrative, scientific, industrial, cultural and tourist center in Eastern Poland

5 Areas of fast economic growth Growth identified in the Regional Dewalopment Strategy to Berlin MazowieckieRegion PodlaskieRegon to Moscow to Scandynavia ŚwiętokrzyskieRegion PodkarpackieRegion to Odessa to Kiev Ukraine

6 Development strategy Sustainable development (economic growth and environmental protection)

7 Natural Environment Rare species of plant and animals Peregrine White tailed eagle Hoopoe Mantis Woolf

8 Regional Investment attractivenss Favourable transborder location Low labour costs Well qualified labour force Scientific potential and rich cultural heritage Low prices for real estates and investment sites Well–developed network of business support institutions Tourist and recreational values Healthy food

9 Outline of the innovation potential of Lubelskie Region Although the Lubelskie Region belongs to one of the poorest in the enlarged European Union, with only 27% of the average UE GDP per capita, it possesses a lot of potential to improve its competitive and innovative position in Europe. One of such development assets is undoubtedly high level of business activity and rapidly growing sector of small and medium- size companies. (120 000) Even though majority of companies operate in traditional (medium and low-technology), they show high potential for further development by improving their quality and innovation level.

10 Outline of the innovation potential of Lubelskie Region The region has a well developed educational and R+D base. It consists of 5 Universities (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, University of Agriculture, University of Technology, Medical Academy and Catholic University). The higher education schools provide tuition to 90 000 students within a framework of variety of courses and programmes (37% of them are science and engineering courses). The R+D infrastructure comprises 33 research and development units, attached either to universities or operating as independent research institutes. The R+D sector employs almost 4000 people, but it tends to have little impact on the development of the regional economy, as only a small percentage of researches (5%) are believed to be actually involved in direct co-operation with industry.

11 Weakness of regional economy Ailing system of financing R+D in Poland The long tradition of researches being involved only in basic research work, with almost no reference to practical applications of the scientific results in industry. Lack of partnership between business and academia Poor information network and access to supply of innovations Need of effective tools for transferring information to the target groups Innovation offer inadequate to business’ demands Low patent activity Poor supply of locally selected and up-to-date business information Low competitiveness of regional business Limited access to low cost credit Poor investment and promotion activities

12 Lubelskie Region Forms of expected support to SMEs (on the basis of questionnaire responses) 47,2 40,9 27,7 13,7 20,5 27,5 52,8 24,0 31,1 33,3 8,9 15,6 57,8 22,2 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 Investments in new technologies Investments to increase production capacity Expansion to foreign markets Investments in environment protection facilites Advisory services Training and HRD Cheap loans for innovative initiatives Credits guaranteed by credit guarantee fund PolandLubelskie

13 RIS projects of The Marshall’s Office of Lubelskie Region Strategic objective for several projects undertaken by The Department of Industry and Innovation of Marshall’s Office of Lubelskie Region is to enhance an innovation process and capacity building of the Lubelskie region in the field of planning and implementation of the regional innovation policies. Ultimately it should help strengthen the economic and social cohesion of the region as well as to improve its competitive edge within European Community.

14 All projects are fully compliant with the objectives and measures laid down in RIS-Lubelskie and are aimed to answer the needs of: Entrepreneurs –International companies –Large companies –Small and medium enterprises Innovation suppliers –Universities –Research institutions Business support institutions –NGO’s –Technology transfer centers –Technology incubators –Clusters and science and technology parks –Training and advisory institutions Regional government –Marshall office –Municipal office –District and county offices

15 Projects - consecutives phases of development Previous studies Strategic Reflection Implementation plan 1. Analyzing the RIS projects completed in the period of 2004-2006 2. The need to take advantage of the self-potential, the available resources and the internal capabilities. 3. To stimulate the efforts of the private sector towards the common objective of increasing the Regional Competitiveness. 4. This approach was based on the fact that the enterprises, the universities and other innovation agents are the target groups for the whole initiative.

16 Free of charge access Active participation in regional economy Better promotion of business Synergy effect between portal users groups Better cooperation between regional partner institutions Increased competitiveness Integration of key partners for specific purposes Reorientation of research activities towards market needs Easier cooperation opportunities Access to regional investment and technology offers Regional Economy Portal

17 Regional Economy Portal - content Information for start-ups –Rules –Law –Forms –Directions to target institutions Regional business register Regional events register –Fairs –Meetings Training institutions register List of EU, national and regional programmes for financial support –Deadlines –Support limits –Areas of preference Tender register Cooperation offers Financial opportunities for business Innovation and technology offers Investment offers Personnel recruitment institutions Newsletter Free business consultations

18 Regional Economy Portal Flexibility Up-to-date information Quality Precision and concrete Appropriate selection Systematical approach Punctuality Reliability Responsibility Increase of innovation queries Increase of application for EU funds Increase of links between business and academia Better awareness of businessmen and innovators on common demands Better use of ICT tools i.e. quicker information exchange Increase of local administration involvement into economy More precise use of regional intellectual capital Identification and development of specific economy branches typical for the region Increasing investments into regional economy

19 Scholarships for PhD students doctoral scholarships in the areas strategic for the region promoting of science and new technologies

20 Technology Audits and Technology Matching The main goal of the project is to help SME’s to solve a technological problem, help to develop a product, or support research and related activities with a professional help paid for from the project funds. The outcome of the project: Stimulating Business Innovation Increasing the competitiveness of SMEs through business innovation Expert know-how to ensure the future development of selected SME Stimulated process of innovation transfer between universities and SME’s

21 Regional Foresight Growth of economy of the region in view of globalization processes Identifying key regional products for the future expansion Feasible scale of high and new – tech industry development in the region

22 OP Development of Eastern Poland Ministry of Regional Development is coordinating the project of public broadband infrastructure for 5 eastern regions of Poland. The Department of Industry and Innovation of Marshall’s Office of Lubelskie Region is supervising the project on the regional level provision of public broad band infrastructure with access points at each municipality development of telecentres in rural areas linked with broad band infrastructure complex training services for internet users (reducing the problem of digital exclusion)

23 Thank You Marshall’s Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship Grzegorz T. Leszczynski Department of Industry and Innovation ul. Graniczna 4 20-010 Lublin Tel: +48 81 5371625 Fax: +48 81 5371637

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