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STORY AND PLOT DTC 354 DIGITAL STORYTELLING. METAPHORS FOR STORY STRUCTURE Journey Power Struggle Connection/Disconnection All three convey conflict,

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2 METAPHORS FOR STORY STRUCTURE Journey Power Struggle Connection/Disconnection All three convey conflict, change over time

3 CONFLICT From Latin: conflictus 1. competitive or opposing action 2. mental struggle resulting from incompatible or opposing needs, drives, wishes, or external or internal demands 3. hostile encounter

4 CLASSIC CONFLICTS Man vs. Himself Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Technology Man vs. God

5 PLOT It is “the structuring of incidents” that enables an audience to appreciate the unfolding story/idea. The structure through which the writer brings the story’s parts into conversation with each other. The way scenes are linked to each other to enhance the narrative impact.

6 JOURNEY Where does the protagonist want to go? What does she/he desire and what direction does that push them in? What obstacles do they encounter? (discoveries, conflicts) How are the obstacles overcome? (decisions, helpers) Is the goal reached? Is it the goal the protagonist sought?

7 POWER STRUGGLE The classic structure of “conflict, crisis, resolution” 1.Exposition: state of unstable equilibrium 2.Conflict: state of collision or opposition 3.Complications: tension and energy increase 4.Crisis: point of highest emotional intensity 5. Resolution: place where change in the protagonist is decisive and inevitable. Can be internal. Who has the power? What conveys that power? Does the balance of power change? How? Why? How does the struggle resolve?

8 CONNECTION/DISCONNECTION Two fundamental human impulses: Drawn toward what feels good Move away from, or repelled by, what feels bad Our lives are shaped by connecting to people/places/things/ourselves—then disconnecting Can be self-imposed, or Result of outside influences Each “movement” generates energy in the story—pushes it forward

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