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Elements of Literature Terms you need to know Every story needs Characters! What qualifies as a characters? People Animals Creatures.

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2 Elements of Literature Terms you need to know

3 Every story needs Characters! What qualifies as a characters? People Animals Creatures

4 The Protagonist The main character/hero ▫Supports a cause ▫Leader ▫Always has an opposition

5 The Antagonist The Bad Guy in our story ▫Causes conflict ▫Opposes the hero ▫Can be a main character

6 Great stories have Conflict 5 Kinds of Conflict Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Society Man vs. Machine Man vs. Himself

7 Foreshadowing When the reader receives a hint of something that will happen later in the story A writer provides clues that suggest future events

8 Types of Characters Flat Characters ▫ Embodies one or two qualities, ideas, or traits that can be described in a brief summary ▫ They are not complex characters, and therefore easy for the reader to understand Sometimes they are stock characters – stereotypes such as the "dumb blonde" or the "mean stepfather"

9 Types of Characters Round characters ▫A well-developed character who has various traits ▫They change in some way ▫Can contradict their emotions and change ▫Has a lot of the same problems real people would have

10 Types of Characters Dynamic characters ▫A character who changes permanently in the story ▫Change how they see the world  Ex. Anakin Skywalker

11 Types of Characters Static characters ▫A character that never changes throughout the story ▫Events in the book do not change this character

12 What is controlled by Theme? We can identify truths about characters Insight about the subject

13 Every story has a Theme The central, underlying, and controlling idea The idea the writer wishes to convey about a subject Theme is NOT ▫The purpose of a work ▫The conflict

14 Every story has a Plot Plot is what happens and how it happens in a narrative. Exposition Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution/Denouement

15 Exposition The beginning of the story that includes: ▫Character names/intros ▫Setting ▫Basic info

16 Rising Action Part of the story that involves more intros ▫Reveals more characters ▫Reveals the CONFLICT Conflict? ▫The big problem

17 Climax Part of the story with a battle/decision ▫When the main character battles between good and evil

18 Falling Action The part of the story when everything starts to calm down ▫The character mends loose ends

19 Resolution The story comes to an end ▫Things are wrapping up

20 Practicing Plot Plot the video “Pigeon: Impossible” You must have the following: Exposition Rising Action Conflict Climax Falling Action Resolution

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