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Semantic Web Programming in Python an Introduction Biju B Jaganath G.

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Presentation on theme: "Semantic Web Programming in Python an Introduction Biju B Jaganath G."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semantic Web Programming in Python an Introduction Biju B Jaganath G

2 Presentation outline Semantics Meaningful data Representation Triple Store Querying & Searching semantic Data RDF SPARQL FOAF (Friend of a Friend) OWL

3 Semantics Semantics is the study of meaning Sequence of words or symbols used to convey enough meaning

4 Traditional Data-Modeling methods Tabulated Data Relational Data-Model

5 Tabulated Data Doctors Near Home NameAddress GeorgeXyz St BillAbc Rd

6 Relational Data-Model IDNameAddress 1GeorgeXyz St 2BillAbc Rd IDAvailable timings 110 AM – 1PM 17 PM – 10 PM 26PM – 10 PM

7 Meaningful data Representation Triple : Three column Format A Triple is composed of a subject, predicate and object Triples could be represented easily in the form of graphs

8 Triple Babu bought doll Doll costs 20 Subject : An entity which could be person place or other concrete objects Predicate: Property of the entity. Object : could be Subject to other triples or literal value

9 Merging Triples As the Triples are represented in the form of graphs the merging could be done with less effort

10 Simple Query Language Demo

11 Feed Forward Inference Inferring Triple Geocoding Chain of Rules

12 RDF Provides standard way of expressing graphs of data and sharing them with other people

13 RDF Data Model Resource Serialization N-Triples

14 RDFLib Introduction Demo

15 SPARQL RDF Term Syntax Syntax for Triple Patterns SPARQL Queries in RDFLib

16 FOAF Social Network Graph Analysis Cloud of Data Consuming Linked Data

17 OWL Demo

18 Semantic Data Publishing Microformats Tables and Spreadsheets Linked Data

19 Demo

20 Conclusion

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