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Brain Compatible Learning By Vicki LePorte School Trivia!!!  How many students are enrolled in LHS today?  How many years has Mrs. LePorte been teaching.

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2 Brain Compatible Learning By Vicki LePorte

3 School Trivia!!!  How many students are enrolled in LHS today?  How many years has Mrs. LePorte been teaching at the high school?

4 The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving. Oliver Wendell Holmes

5 At the rate at which knowledge is growing, by the time a child born today graduates from college, the amount of knowledge in the world will be four time as great. By the time that child is fifty years old, it will be 32 times as great and 98% of everything known in the world will have been learned since the time he was born. Dr. Robert Helliard, US Federal Communications Commission.

6 Who are the gifted ?  Einstein was four years old before he could speak and seven before he could read.  Isaac Newton did poorly in grade school  Beethoven’s music teacher once said of him,” As a composer, he is hopeless!”  When Thomas Edison was a boy his teachers told him he was too stupid to learn anything.  F.W. Woolworth got a job in a dry good store when he was 21, but his employers would not let him wait on a customer because he, “didn’t have enough sense.”

7  A newspaper editor fired Walt Disney because he had, “No good ideas!”  Louis Pasteur was rated as mediocre in chemistry when he attended the Royal College.  Abraham Lincoln entered the Black Hawk War as a Captain and came our a private.  Winston Churchill failed the sixth grade.

8 Brain Facts The brain is the physical part of our body you can touch - the anatomy. The mind is your feeling, perceptions, thinking, will and reasoning. You can put a brain in a jar but not a mind.

9  Every second, several billion bits of information pass through our brains.  Information travels through trillions of neural connections at speeds up to 250 miles per hour.  The brain generates 25 watts of power while a person is awake.  The brain uses 20% of the body’s energy, but only makes up 2% of the body’s weight.  The brain has about 200 billion neurons.  The brain can only concentrate on one things at a time.

10 The weight of things.  The brain of a 6 month old child is 1/2 the weight of an adult.  The brain of a 2 1/2 year old child is 3/4 it’s adult weight.  The brain of a 5 1/2 year old is 9/10 the weight of an adult.  Human brains are getting larger. Our brain weighs about 1/2 lbs. more than our great grandparent’s.  The heaviest brain weight recorded was 4.43 lbs. by Ivan Turgener, a Russian writer who died in 1883.

11 Food for thought!  Protein and water help the brain in thinking.  Turkey, tuna and carbohydrates slow the brain.  Can’t learn any thing new unless you can connect it to something you already know.  Talking to another student increases retention up to 50%.  Rats that play learn more than rats that watch.  You can think 500 wpm, only speak 150 wpm.  Metacognative - Thinking about your thinking.  Strongest force in the brain is emotion.

12 Average Retention Rates

13 Fragile Brain

14 Normal Brain

15 Brain Anger

16 Alcohol Use A 38 y/o - 17 years of heavy weekend drinking

17 Heavy Nicotine & Caffeine Abuse 45 y/o -- 27 year history of heavy use 3 packs of cigarettes and 3 pots of coffee daily

18 Attention Deficit Disorder

19 Severe Head Trauma

20 There is always hope!

21 Questions ?


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