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Chapter 5 Cognitive development in infancy and toddlerhood (birth – 2 years)

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1 Chapter 5 Cognitive development in infancy and toddlerhood (birth – 2 years)

2 2 Piaget’s theory w ______ : organized ways of making sense of experiences w ______ - building schemes through direct interaction with the environment _________ : the external world is interpreted through existing schemes __________ - new schemes are created or old ones adjusted w _______ : internal process of rearranging and linking together schemes

3 3 Sensorimotor Stage (0 to 2 Years) w _________: explore environment and try to repeat schemes by trying to repeat chance events w object permanence - understanding that ____________________________ ____

4 Sensorimotor stage (continued) w _________________ (18 mos -2 yrs.) - internal representations of absent objects or past events w ____________ - ability to copy behavior of models who are not present at the time

5 5 INFORMATION PROCESSING w aspects of thinking change throughout lifetime: ______ (improves as we age) _______ (recognition is easier to acquire than recall) Categorization early categories are _______ (based on appearance) later categories are _______ (based on common functions and behaviors) Problem solving

6 Infantile amnesia - inability to remember events prior to age__ w Need the ability to develop autobiographical memory Need _______________________ ________________ ability to integrate _______________ into a meaningful story

7 7 Language development  ______ Perspective (Chomsky) Language acquisition device (LAD) Children are born with a ____________________ system for mastering language. Common to all languages Children speak in a ________________ way from the beginning.

8 8 Language theories (continued) w Behaviorist Perspective (Skinner) Language is acquired through _________________. _________ combines with reinforcement. w Interactionist perspective

9 9 Getting Ready to Talk w Cooing (__ mos.) Vowel-like noises w Babbling (__ mos.) Consonants combine with vowels. w First Words (around 12 mos.) _______________ Word is applied to a smaller number of objects and events than is appropriate _____________ Word is applied to a wider collection of objects and events than is appropriate

10 10 Two-Word Utterance Phase w _________ speech Two-word utterance phase of toddlers Leaves out smaller and less important words

11 11 w A language development problem may be present if children Are greatly delayed when compared to _______________ Cannot follow __________________ Have problems putting thoughts into words Individual and Cultural Differences

12 12 Supporting Early Language Development w _______________________ (CDS) Adults speak in a form of short sentences with exaggerated expression and very clear pronunciation. Children prefer CDS. CDS supports early language development.

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