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Writing Benchmarks. PURPOSE a benchmark provides comprehensive information about skill level.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Benchmarks. PURPOSE a benchmark provides comprehensive information about skill level."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Benchmarks

2 PURPOSE a benchmark provides comprehensive information about skill level

3 Assessment as Diagnosis the understanding of the social purpose of the writing use and understanding of textual features the organisation of text in a meaningful way use of surface features, for example, spelling and punctuation


5 Criteria Text process These criteria refer to the generic function of each text and the specific structural and textual processes making up those texts Understands and text structure, purpose and audience Appropriate vocabulary choices for audience and purpose

6 Criteria Text level These criteria refer to the grammatical features of each text as a whole Pronouns Sentence structure Tense

7 Sentence level These criteria refer to the syntactical features at the sentence level of each text Conjunctions, verb & tense agreement, prepositions, punctuation

8 Word level These criteria refer to the spelling and grammar at the level of the word choice Spelling Verb form

9 TRAPPED! Just when I started to believe everything was going well, disaster struck. I found myself trapped. Frantically, I looked around me for a means of escape……. Writing Task: To Narrate Read the beginning of the story below.

10 Imagine you are the person in this story. Continue this story by describing what has happened and what happens next to resolve the problem. You should complete this story. You should try to use words and phrases that make your writing interesting for the reader. Write in a descriptive way that helps the reader to imagine the events that you experience. Organise your work into paragraphs Write in sentences and pay attention to spelling and punctuation. You have time and space to plan your writing.

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