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2015-16 Campus Improvement Planning A campus without an improvement plan is like a teacher with out lesson plans.

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Presentation on theme: "2015-16 Campus Improvement Planning A campus without an improvement plan is like a teacher with out lesson plans."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015-16 Campus Improvement Planning A campus without an improvement plan is like a teacher with out lesson plans.

2 Campus Improvement Planning Template ▪ Introduction ▪ Data Workbook ▪ Campus Data Analysis ▪ Quarter 1 Targeted Improvement Plan ▪ Quarter 2 Targeted Improvement Plan ▪ Quarter 3 Targeted Improvement Plan ▪ Quarter 4 Targeted Improvement Plan ▪ CIP Summary ▪ TTIP

3 Introduction START HERE

4 Data Workbook

5 Six Week tracking of Attendance Data

6 Campus Data Analysis



9 Data Analysis is NOT just about STAAR Data. As you consider the data sources you will collect and analyze throughout this cycle, keep the Data Collection Pyramid in mind. It’s the what and the when of data.

10 Critical Success Factors 1.Academic Performance 2.Use of Quality Data to Drive Instruction 3.Leadership Effectiveness 4.Increased Learning Time 5.Family & Community Engagement 6.School Climate 7.Teacher Quality

11 Developing Problem Statements

12 Problem Statement Checklist

13 Quarter 1 CIP

14 5 Whys?

15 CSF and AIM Connection Annual SMART Goal Strategy










25 Dropdown Insert actual data, do not list instrument used. If you make a purchase, include it in your CIP Yes No No, but making some progress No, but making significant progress Yes No No, but making some progress No, but making significant progress

26 Campus Improvement Plan Quarterly Summary Page


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