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Making a Power Point It is easy and fun! Just remember to make it informative as well.

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Presentation on theme: "Making a Power Point It is easy and fun! Just remember to make it informative as well."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making a Power Point It is easy and fun! Just remember to make it informative as well.

2 PPT Intent Please note that this ppt is intended to be unadorned resulting in a presentation without a colour scheme, regular transitions, or pictures. The intent is to keep the focus on how to create a ppt while freeing you up to imagine how this ppt could be enhanced.

3 Step One save your document use a title that states the topic e.g. Canadian Cultures

4 Choose a Slide Layout go to view > Task Pane a window should open up to the right of your screen you may then choose a layout (you may change it later at anytime) the next slide shows a layout I have chosen for this ppt

5 Slide Layout here is the one I have chosen I have two screens per page where I can write or insert graphics

6 Slide Design note the little down arrowhead at the far right of the title “Slide Design” click on it you will see a menu of choices –slide layout –slide design –slide design - colour scheme –slide design – animation scheme –custom animation –slide transition

7 Now, Just Play the best way to learn about choosing about slide design is to play play with each of options on the next several slides, I will show you a couple of examples of each design choice

8 Slide Layout # 1 On one side you can show an illustration (graph, picture, table etc) while on the other side you can provide a written section like this one.

9 Slide Layout # 2 This option is the one I will use for the next several slides. I will post examples here.

10 Slide Design- Colour Slide design - colour scheme you may whether you want the colour scheme for just one slide or all slides go to the little down arrow that pops up when you put your mouse over a choice see my choices next

11 Slide Design- Colour Slide design - colour scheme my 1 st colour choice works well with white print but not very well with brown

12 Slide Design- Colour Slide design - colour scheme this colour choice provides me with many options: brown, black, green, purple etc remember to choose a colour scheme that makes it easy for your reader to read your ideas

13 Slide Design- Colour Slide design - colour scheme my 1 st colour choice works well with white print but not very well with brown

14 Animation Scheme #1 slide design –animation schemes This slide uses “Faded zoom”

15 Animation Scheme #2 slide design – animation schemes This slide uses “Flash Bulb”

16 Custom Animation #1 Slide design –Animation schemes this enables you to modify (or change) the effect This 1 st part uses Entrance > Blinds –horizontal –very fast This 2 nd part uses –horizontal –slow

17 Custom Animation #2 Slide design –Animation schemes This 1 st part uses –entrance > blinds – emphasis > spin –motion paths > down

18 Slide Transition #1 Slide design –slide transition this enables you to choose how you want each slide to change to the next slide This slide uses “Comb Vertical”

19 Slide Transition #2 Slide design –slide transition This slide uses “Newsflash”

20 Remember…. ensure that your slides are easy to read: –text easy to read (clear, not hidden by pictures) –transitions moderate speed (prevents the reader from becoming dizzy) –list all resources used (if you use a picture, an idea, or quote, you must cite your source)

21 Make Your Power Point Memorable Think about your ……. goal: why are you making it? audience: who are you making it for? content: does everything you included help meet your goal?

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