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How to Market Yourself In a Difficult Job Market. Background (“Market Analysis”) The Job Tree Analyzing Your “Customer” Organizing Your “Selling Points”

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Presentation on theme: "How to Market Yourself In a Difficult Job Market. Background (“Market Analysis”) The Job Tree Analyzing Your “Customer” Organizing Your “Selling Points”"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Market Yourself In a Difficult Job Market. Background (“Market Analysis”) The Job Tree Analyzing Your “Customer” Organizing Your “Selling Points” Resumes (“The Hook”) Interviews (“The Sales Pitch”) Recommendations Questions & Answers Click to continue To see resume examples, click here

2 From SchoolTo Work All paths were open & easy. KSA Job Market Analysis BEFORE

3 From School To Work KSA Job Market Analysis NOW Not so easy right now.

4 So, what to do? Frustration ?Depression ? Anger ? Confusion ?

5 NO. There’s a better way. A Better Idea. OK, then. Let’s hear about it !

6 How to turn this negative situation... Into Interview Resume Writing GPA Appointments Stress Current Job Market Market Yourself to Get the Job You Want Hey, man! No problem. ما في مشكلة يا شيخ

7 WHERE do I want to work? WHAT knowledge/skills can I offer to the market ? IN what kind of company? I WANT ___ salary amount I HAVE___ goals & purposes I WANT ___ working conditions You will learn your needs. Your positioning in the market Then, adjust them to the current market demands. The Job Tree -- Your “Selling Points”

8 What Are They Looking For? Present&Future Abilities Potential AREAS TO CONSIDER How do you handle failure? How do you solve conflicts? Are you flexible, honest, loyal? Have you traveled outside KSA? Can you work on more than 1 task or project at the same time? Have you set goals and met them? Why are you here at our company? “Interviewer (audience) Analysis”

9 Why are the Decision Makers in the Market asking these questions? REMEMBER: “The interviewer and the company have needs. They are under pressure and must produce benefits from the students they choose. The questions they ask you clearly show this in some of the application forms.” I hope you guys don’t get me into trouble again! I hope I made the right decision this time. Help!

10 Sample questions on application forms TOPIC: Leadership “Give an example of when you as a leader of a group, set direction for them, gained their commitment, and led them to achieve outstanding results.” Examples: group work in class or project club, hobby, Co-op, Summer work sports, family situation, other responsibilities

11 Sample questions on application forms TOPIC: Problem-solving “Describe a challenging and difficult project which you have done. What did you do, why and what was the result?” Examples: Co-op and report/presentation Research work for senior project Student club or group work Family life problem, but good grades

12 Sample questions on application forms TOPIC: Teamwork “Give an example of when you developed effective working relationships with people from different backgrounds to accomplish a goal.” “Describe a situation where you had to involve others to achieve a task.” Examples: Co-op work, group projects at KFUPM Personal life, relationships with professors

13 Sample questions on application forms TOPIC: Innovation “Describe a situation where you used a new approach to solve a problem.” “Give an example of when you thought of a new idea or a better way of doing something.” Examples: Using internet to do research Time management to get more homework and studying done better and faster Looking up the company website, instead of just talking with other students about it

14 Sample questions on application forms TOPIC: Communication “Give an example of when you organized your thoughts, effectively communicated them and got others to agree with you.” Examples: this interview your Co-op presentation or Senior project group work in class on project any work experience !!!

15 Review of Key Qualities Leadership Problem-solving Teamwork Innovation Communication

16 Interviewer’s Question Strategies: 2 Types of Questions CLOSED TYPE Questions which have simple answers of 1 or 2 words. Example: Are you a major in Marketing? Example: When can you start work here? OPEN TYPE Questions which are more difficult, because you must think and organize your response more carefully. Example: Tell me about yourself. Example: Why do you want to work here with us? For Open Questions, remember to focus and keep your answer on the present situation. That means, relate everything in your background, education and experience to the type of job for which you are interviewing.

17 Some Specific Interview Questions What do you know about our company? Why do you want to work here? What interests you about our products/services? Why do you want this job? Why did you choose your major (or change your major)? How much salary do you want? Market yourself through your answers! Research, Sales, Persuasion, Negotiation, Logic, Positive Attitude & Communication

18 Interview Tips (The Sales Pitch) 10 1. SMILE. Know your resume very well 2. Read about company BEFORE 3. Know WHY you are there (Job Tree) 4. Look good. Appearance and NVC 5. Stay alert for “open” & “closed” ?s 6. Be aware of “tell me about youself” 7. Relate Your Info. to Their Needs [market yourself as a product that meets and exceeds their desire/needs] 8. Answer questions, then stop talking 9. Ask questions. Know what to say about salary 10. Say “thank you” & ask for business card. SMILE!!!

19 In conclusion... Stay balanced. Islam is the “ دين الوسط ” In other words, how many people just before their death ever said: “I wish I had spent more time at my office.” Be aware to avoid a big mistake in life -- using “ladder of success” Make sure you have put your ladder in the “right” place before you start to climb up!

20 : Keep a balance between life and work; between job and family; and between this world and the next. And, look for the true success في الدنيا والآخرة نصيحة يا شباب

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