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Photoshop Learn the terms now for quick navigation and better editing Fill in definitions on your handout.

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1 Photoshop Learn the terms now for quick navigation and better editing Fill in definitions on your handout


3 1. Menu Bar Access to Photoshop’s BASIC commands and features. Items on the Menu Bar can also allow you to make things visible or invisible like panels and guides, or to rearrange your workspace. Save, undo, image size, open, print, etc.

4 1. Menu Bar

5 Window’s Menu Why the Fuss? It controls everything (Panels) you see and don’t see in Ps. (more about that later). Always make sure Adjustments, color, and LAYERS are visible.

6 2. Applications Bar Quickly rearrange the layout of workspace Zoom % Ruler, Guides, Grids Switch to Bridge to select photos

7 3. Options Bar Adjust the settings for the tool that is currently selected in the Tools Panel. Options bar changes each time to you click on a different tool For example, if you have the Text tool selected, the Control Panel allows you to change the font type and size, as well as the text color and alignment. In earlier versions of Photoshop, the Control panel is called the Options bar.

8 3. Options Bar- TEXT Tool Change – font type – size, – Color – Alignment

9 4. Documents Tab Each open image has a tab Easily switch between open Photoshop files simply by clicking on the tab. Tab shows you the file name, % and active image.

10 5. Image Window Area where your image lives. Sometimes image fills the image window, and sometimes it has a gray pasteboard. COM + Zoom in COM – Zoom out

11 6. Tools Panel Contains tools that let you interact directly with image. Some of tools have a small black triangle at the bottom-right. Click and hold down on one of these tools, and you will see the fly-out menu which contains related tools. For example, the fly-out menu for the Gradient Tool also contains the Paint Bucket tool.

12 7. Workspace Switcher Quickly change the workspace for different needs (design, illustration, etc). Always keep in on ESSENTIALS in this class.

13 8. Panels Panels give you even more options for your tools beyond the Option Panel. Choose colors and styles Undo many steps see important information about your files Do more complex editing involving layers, paths and channels. Control what panels you see in the Window Menu

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