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ProCost Version 3 Christian Douglass, Ryan Firestone, Charlie Grist

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1 ProCost Version 3 Christian Douglass, Ryan Firestone, Charlie Grist
Regional Technical Forum September 22, 2015

2 Presentation Outline ProCost Overview Updates to ProCost Next steps
What ProCost computes How ProCost is used in Power Plan and by RTF Updates to ProCost Architecture Methodology Next steps Image from

3 ProCost Overview Unit Energy Savings (UES) Measure – changes in system configuration, equipment specifications or operating practices Measure Application – permutation of measure identifiers (e.g., MH homes in HZ3) Savings Component – A component of savings that is modeled separately to capture unique savings, cost, lifetime parameters (e.g., different load shapes for heating and cooling savings) Measure Analysis Workbook – workbook containing Savings, cost, and lifetime analysis Analysis methodology overview Results: levelized cost, cost effectiveness Measure specifications Delivery verification ProCost – VBA algorithm that computes levelized cost and cost effectiveness of measure applications

4 ProCost Overview ProCost computes UES measure
Levelized cost of savings ($/kWh) Regional cost effectiveness (Societal Total Resource Cost (TRC)) Benefit/Cost (B/C) ratio many additional cost, savings, and carbon parameters Each ProCost file can model multiple “applications” of a measure Permutations of measure identifiers Each application can have multiple savings components

5 ProCost Overview – Existing Architecture
Marginal Costs and Loadshapes Workbook (“MC_and_Loadshapes”) Measure Analysis Workbook Measure-level inputs (sheet “ProData”) Cost, Savings, and Lifetime analysis “Summary” sheet measure specs delivery verification methodology overview Application-level inputs (sheet “Measure_ InputOutput”) ProCost engine (VBA) Measure Table formatted summary of results Application-level outputs (sheet “Measure_ InputOutput”)

6 ProCost Overview – New Architecture
Marginal Costs and Loadshapes file (Excel) (“MC_and_Loadshapes”) Measure Analysis Workbook (Excel) Cost, Savings, and Lifetime analysis “Summary” sheet measure specs delivery verification methodology overview Application-level inputs (sheet “Measure_ InputOutput”) ProCost engine and Batch Run Tool (Excel) Measure-level inputs (sheet “ProData”) Measure Table formatted summary of results Application-level outputs (sheet “Measure_ InputOutput”)

7 ProCost Overview Inputs (1)
Measure application-specific data* (Sheet “Measure_InputOutput”) Annual Savings (kwh/yr) and (therms/yr) Life (yrs) Capital Cost Annual O&M Cost Load Shape (separate electric and gas) Non-electric Benefit ($/yr) Periodic costs throughout lifetime of measure NEW: Remaining useful life (RUL): time, updated annual savings, salvage value *Can also be savings-component-specific inputs for a single application (e.g., savings from heatings, savings from cooling)

8 ProCost Overview Inputs (2) Measure-level data (Sheet “ProData”)
Pointers to marginal costs and load shapes Model options How to handle negative costs and benefits Application of administrative cost adders Repeat periodic costs Program parameters Program life Program start date Financial Parameters Discount rate Regional Act Conservation Credit Cost of capital, by sponsor (customer, wholesale elec., retail elec., gas) Utility System Parameters Average line loss Value of avoided capacity Risk mitigation credit

9 ProCost Overview Inputs (3)
Marginal Cost and Loadshape file (“MC_and_Loadshape”) Avoided cost of electricity, gas, and carbon Load shapes NEW: definitions of system peak hours

10 ProCost Overview Engine Outputs (sheet “Measure_InputOutput”)
Computation of levelized costs and cost-effectiveness VBA code in Excel file Outputs (sheet “Measure_InputOutput”) Site and busbar savings (kWh, kW, therms) Carbon savings Present value costs and benefits to utility, region Levelized cost Cost effectiveness

11 ProCost Overview The Measure Analysis file also houses:
Analysis of savings, cost, and lifetime, including documentation of sources and supporting documents Summary sheet, which summarizes Measure specifications Delivery verification details Savings, cost, and lifetime methodologies and data sources Sheet “MeasureTable”, which provides summary data for each instance of the measure

12 Updates to ProCost – Interface
Gave ProData tab a new, fresh look with the Council’s updated logo Traded radio buttons for drop-down menus in favor of fewer bugs across versions of Excel Other code changes to minimize bugs were made as well

13 Updates to ProCost - Architecture
Disaggregation of ProCost engine from analysis file Previous versions of ProCost housed engine and measure analysis in same file Pros – Streamlined use Cons – Any change to ProCost analysis (VBA) means creating new measure files for all ~100 UES measures, or living with differences Version 3 separates the two Do not need to update measure analysis when engine changes – just point new engine to measure analysis Keeps analysis workbooks simpler – no named ranges, no embedded VBA code (for most measures)

14 Updates to ProCost - Architecture
Batch run functionality Engine is now housed in a file that allows for batch runs of multiple ProCost input files Facilitates analysis of suites of measures for Power Plan, complex measures Fast update of measures after a ProCost update [Demonstration after slides]

15 Updates to ProCost - Architecture
Changes to MC_and_Loadshape file Can handle 24 and 48 segment files (previously had to be 48) Specify peak hours (previous hard coded in ProCost)

16 Updates to ProCost - Methodology
Load Shapes Previously 48 segment (4 segment x 12 months) shapes specified in MC_and_Loadshape Now MC_and_Loadshape contains Generalized Load Shapes (GLS) Hourly load profiles for weekday, holiday, and peak day Energy analysis: ProCost engines converts this to 24 segment or 48 segment Demand analysis: ProCost uses GLS Demand (coincident peak kW) Previously based on average demand within several time segments (48 segments per year) Time segments hard-coded in ProCost engine Now based on maximum demand within individual hours (e.g., 6p.m. weekdays in Jan/Feb/Dec) Hours specified in MC_and_Loadshape file Load-shapes contain mapping to peak days of each month >>> these changes results in higher Demand savings

17 Updates to ProCost - Methodology
Line losses Previously used average marginal line loss factor for all time periods Now have line loss correlated to coincidence with system loads Higher line loss at times of high system load Lower line loss at time of low system load Remaining Useful Life (RUL) Previously, only a single stream of savings and costs Now an RUL can be specified Time, change in savings, and salvage value of capital T&D deferral, risk mitigation based on post-RUL savings

18 Updates to ProCost - Methodology
Costs Periodic O&M – Correction of handling of periodic O&M costs, simplification of code

19 Next Steps RTF CAT to finalize computation changes in ProCost engine
Wrap up by mid to late October Council to release Draft Seventh Plan in October (anticipated) Council staff to present cost effectiveness methodology from Draft Seventh Plan at November RTF meeting Bonneville (and RTF) will convert RTF workbooks to new format throughout fall Mostly stripping files of ProCost engine, named ranges RTF CAT will work with Bonneville/contractors Will run workbooks with DRAFT 7th Plan parameters Council to release Final Seventh Plan in February (anticipated) RTF to adopt Final Seventh Plan cost-effectiveness methodology in February Once RTF approves, RTF staff will re-run all measures with final methodology and start using ProCost version 3 for all new measure development

20 Wish list, other changes
Add Capacity credit (as per 7th Plan) Option to set program life equal to measure life More appropriate for RTF analysis Cleaning code Improving commenting of code Documentation

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