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USING FASTLANE AND NSF PROPOSAL FORMS Presented by: Maya S. Anderson Program and Technology Analyst Division of Integrative Organismal Biology.

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Presentation on theme: "USING FASTLANE AND NSF PROPOSAL FORMS Presented by: Maya S. Anderson Program and Technology Analyst Division of Integrative Organismal Biology."— Presentation transcript:

1 USING FASTLANE AND NSF PROPOSAL FORMS Presented by: Maya S. Anderson Program and Technology Analyst Division of Integrative Organismal Biology

2 Welcome to the National Science Foundation HomePage ( Drill Down to “Biology” in the Program Areas Section

3 Biological Sciences (BIO) HomePage Scroll Down on Left to: How to Prepare Your Proposal

4 How to Prepare Your Proposal Click on FastLane Link

5 Click on Demonstration Site

6 FastLane Demo Site – Click on Proposals, Awards and Status Tab

7 Click on Proposal Functions

8 Click on Proposal Preparation

9 PI Information Screen View Information, Edit & Save Changes Click Prepare Proposal

10 Starting a Proposal Proposal Action Screen Click Create New Proposal

11 Form Preparation Main Menu Screen Start with the Cover Sheet

12 Form Preparation Continued

13 Cover Sheet Components Form Check Awardee and Performing Organizations Update if Necessary Click GO Next to Program Announcement

14 Make a Selection from the: Program Announcement/Solicitation Number Section

15 Select Organizational Unit You Wish to Consider for Your Proposal

16 Make a Selection from the List of NSF Programs and Current List of Selected NSF Units

17 Remainder of Cover Sheet Type Title, Duration, Start Date Scroll Down Screen

18 Select Deadline/Target Date Review Information

19 Continue with Cover Sheet

20 Cover Sheet Continued



23 Table of Contents

24 Project Description

25 Project Description Continued

26 References Cited

27 Project Budget To Begin: Click on Add Year Provide a Budget Justification

28 Actual Budget Page: Click on the Link that Applies to Your Proposal

29 Budget Page Continued







36 Budget Justification Screen Type Directly into the Text box or Upload a File

37 Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources

38 Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources Continued


40 1225 Information (Optional )

41 List of Suggested Reviewers (Optional*) *HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

42 Project Summary

43 Biographical Sketch

44 Current and Pending Support

45 Actual Current and Pending Support Form

46 Current and Pending Support Form Continued

47 Supplementary Documents

48 Add/Delete Non Co-PI Senior Personnel Assigned to Proposal

49 Change PI on Proposal

50 Link Collaborative Temporary Proposals

51 Form Preparation Sheet – Main Menu

52 Sponsored Research Office (SRO) Access Control

53 SRO Access Continued

54 SRO Functions: Click on Proposals/Supplements/File Update/Withdrawals Section

55 SRO Review, Edit and Submit Proposal to Authorized Organizational Representative for Signature

56 Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) Functions Electronic Signature on Proposal

57 FastLane Help Call/E-mail for Technical Problems Available 7 AM to 9 PM ET, Monday through Friday (except Federal holidays) Call 1-800-437-7408 for Recorded FastLane Availability Call 1-800-673-6188. Submit a Request for Technical Assistance contact.Action contact.Action Email Call/E-mail Program Director/Program Staff for Program and Policy Questions

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