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Archaeological Research Directions: As you view each slide, use the box to explain the probable meaning of the artifact.

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Presentation on theme: "Archaeological Research Directions: As you view each slide, use the box to explain the probable meaning of the artifact."— Presentation transcript:

1 Archaeological Research Directions: As you view each slide, use the box to explain the probable meaning of the artifact.

2 Maize cobs in level 1

3 Woven vegetable fibers in level 2

4 Stone grinding bowl in level 3

5 Thatched houses in level 2

6 Clay pottery in level 1

7 A buried dog in level 3


9 Turkey feathers in level 1

10 Beaver skin in level 2

11 Site size of 5 acres in level 1

12 Mussel shells in level 3

13 Post holes in level 1

14 Vegetable roots in level 2

15 Fire pit lined with clay in level 1

16 Over time, what changes took place in the group living on the site?

17 Which level of material remains shows a more advanced group of people?

18 What evidence would you like to have to help you in the interpretation of people living on this site?

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