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Grocery Activity. Purpose To teach students to add, subtract, multiply and divide with real numbers.

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Presentation on theme: "Grocery Activity. Purpose To teach students to add, subtract, multiply and divide with real numbers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grocery Activity

2 Purpose To teach students to add, subtract, multiply and divide with real numbers.

3 Objective You are a family of six. You have a food budget of $200 per week. You must plan a menu consisting of 3 meals per day and 1 snack per day for your family.

4 Requirements Each meal must have: – Protein (Meat, fish, eggs, beans, etc.) – Grain or Starch (Cereals, rice, bread, flour, corn, potato, etc) – Vegetable* (Greens, sweet potato-not white potatoes, non starchy veggies.) -*Breakfast Does not require a vegetable

5 Requirements Continued 2 Meals must include a fruit. Your snack must be include 2 of the following: – Fruit – Vegetable – Protein – Sweets

6 Requirements Continued A serving of protein in 4 oz. per person. A box of cereal will feed your family for only 1 meal. A gallon of milk has 16 cups (16 servings or 32 servings for cereal)

7 Conversions 16 oz. = 1 Lb 1 can of soup = 2.5 servings 1 box of Mac and Cheese = 3 servings 3 potatoes=1lb (approx)

8 Parameters Show the quantity, unit cost and overall cost for each food. You may NOT buy anything you currently are not old enough to buy. Keep a budget form showing your running total. You must make a collage of your purchases. Your group will be responsible for presenting your information to the class.

9 Common Items ItemCostServing Cost 1 Gallon Milk$3$.19 per cup $.10 per ½ Cup 1 Dozen Eggs$2.40$.20 per egg Bread (20 pieces)$2$.10 per piece Beans (3 svg)$.75 per can$.25 Rice (1/4 cup =svg, bag = 2 cup) $2$.25 Tuna (2 Svg per can) $.90$.45 Pasta (1 lb serves 6)$1$.17 Mac And Cheese (Box serves 3) $1$.33 You may find items cheaper in the ad. If you have questions about servings per box, ask.

10 Budget DescriptionUnit CostQuantityTotalBalance Starting Balance NA $200.00 Campbell’s Soup $1.25 each6$7.50$192.50 Grapes$0.99 lb4$3.96$188.54 Unit Cost x Quantity= Total Previous Balance - Total= Balance

11 Menu MealDescriptionUnit CostAmount Needed Total BreakfastBerries Sausage Cereal Milk $2 $2.49 $1.99 $.1 21162116 $4 $2.49 $1.99 $.60 Lunch Dinner Snack Total:

12 Dates 9/4 Notes/Begin 9/5 Menu Completed 9/6 Budget Completed 9/9 Collage Completed 9/10 Presentations

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