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Welcome Food Bank of Siouxland agencies! Thank you to Redeemer Lutheran Church for hosting us today!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Food Bank of Siouxland agencies! Thank you to Redeemer Lutheran Church for hosting us today!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Food Bank of Siouxland agencies! Thank you to Redeemer Lutheran Church for hosting us today!

2 Mission Importance Our mission is serving you! The Food Bank of Siouxland, a nonprofit organization, strives to be responsive to the needs of its agencies, donors, and volunteers by efficiently soliciting and distributing food to feeding programs for the needy. Your feedback is most welcome.

3 Staff in the Office Linda Scheid, Executive Director Debbie Hubbard, Assistant to the Executive Director Jennie Allen, Operations Coordinator Jake Wanderscheid, Agency Relations

4 Warehouse Staff Terry Taylor, Warehouse Assistant Drew De Kok, Warehouse Manager Dave Winterfeld, Warehouse Assistant Herb Langley, Truck Driver

5 Today’s Agenda  Networking Lunch  Food Bank of Siouxland Updates: Primarius, Policies, and Warehouse

6 Today’s Agenda  P1 Product Updates  Did the Staff miss anything? Your chance for questions.

7 Food-O Bingo!  As you arrive and eat your lunch, please network with the representatives of the other agencies.  Consider discussing a following topic: best practices, uplifting client stories, or the operating practices at your agency  We will also be playing Food-O Bingo! Prizes will be given out! Rules are on the cards!

8 Ordering Update: Primarius is a complete Food Bank Management system (ECCA website). Primarius is a web-based, ‘real-time’ ordering system for your agencies. Product will be ‘live updated’, so all available product will show on website. Further, Primarius will help your agency secure desired pickup and delivery times. The menu will show customized shopping list, including the shared maintenance fee, product restrictions, and storage information (refrigerated, dry, or frozen).

9 Ordering Update:  Issues implementing Primarius have delayed the ‘Web Window’ feature.  Food Bank staff will begin to develop a timeline to roll out ‘Live Ordering’ in May.  Trials with a limited selection of agencies will begin shortly after the software is installed.  Food Bank staff thanks agencies through this transition!

10 Policy Changes: Delivery Changes  As of mid-April, ‘Out of Metro’ deliveries must have a minimum of 250 pounds.  Why the Change ?  Delay the increasing of delivery fees  To better manage delivery & packing costs  To best utilize the resources of the Food Bank  Questions?

11 Policy Changes: Sorting Frozen Sorting Changes  Have you noticed the change to the categories in the Frozen Sorting (especially in the meat area)?  In efforts to increase the speed of sorting, and to create a more efficient sorting process, Food Bank staff created generic categories for beef, pork, and poultry.

12 Policy Changes: Sorting New categories include the following :  Beef 20# (Product Number 21)  Beef 40# (Product Number 44)  Beef Roast, Bulk 20# (Product Number 895)  Poultry 20# (Product Number 23)  Poultry 40#(Product Number 41)  Pork 20# (Product Number 22)  Pork 40# (Product Number 43)

13 Policy Changes: Sorting General Information:  The Beef, Poultry, & Pork boxes consolidates all varieties of each category into a general box.  Food Bank staff will not sort into ‘flavors’ or ‘varieties’(i.e. seasoned or unseasoned)  Food Bank staff will try to sort out bulk items (Beef Roasts, Hams, or/and Whole Chickens)  If Food Bank staff receives enough to make certain popular categories, they will try to create the box (i.e. hotdogs or ground beef)  Questions?

14 Policy Changes: Sorting Dry Sorting Changes  Starting with the Food Drive Season (April 2015), Food Bank staff has and will change categories sorted in the Dry Sorting Area.  The shrinking of the categories should speed sorting, and increase the amount of product per category

15 Policy Changes: Sorting Here are some examples of changes:  Snack Cups (5705): Snack Cups combine the Fruit Cups and Pudding Cups case. The Food Bank has not received many pudding cups in the past six months, so to ensure the product does not spoil in the warehouse, staff combined Pudding with Fruit Cups  Juice Drinks (2800): This was a drink with fruit flavors, but not 100% juice product. However, Juice Drinks was not different enough from the Beverages (2015) to remain its own case. Juice Drinks will be put into Beverages. Juice 100% (1600) and Soda (960) will remain the same.

16 Policy Changes: Sorting  Pork & Beans (1093) & Beans Assorted (1140): The difference between these boxes were not enough to keep them distinct boxes. All types of beans (kidney, baked beans, and pork & beans) will be placed in this box.  Corn (8294), Green Beans (1110), Peas (1120), Vegetables Assorted (1014): During the spring food drives, the Food Bank will eliminate the Corn, Green Bean, and Pea boxes. All these items will be placed into Vegetables (1140). This will increase the amount of product we can place on the menu at a time. It will also not leave four half full boxes in the sorting area.  Small Cans (1180): This was an assorted food category for tiny items (most are half the size in other cases). This category will go away. All the items will go into another box. Examples include tomato paste (Sauce), Chilies (Vegetable s), and EZO Meal Cups (Spaghettios).

17 Policy Changes: Sorting  Chicken Broth (8858) & Beef Broth (2421): While different from RTE Soup, these two broths are not distinct enough to remain apart. Combined, the cases have been made 14 times. This keeps product on the sorting tables and not on the menu. Food Bank staff created Broth (8860), to house all liquid broths (including stocks), from chicken and beef, to sea food, and vegetable broth.  Dry Goods (2000): In January 2014, the Food Bank had packed a considerable amount of Dry Goods cases. At this time, several new categories were created, including Pasta (72782), Breakfast Bars (6126), Fruit Snacks (43093), and Cracker Snack Assortment (3800). Some of these categories may be folded back into Dry Goods as the Food Bank has very few Dry Goods cases on hand.

18 Policy Changes: Sorting  The Food Bank will release a short survey after today’s event to ask for your agency’s opinion on these and future changes in the Sorting Areas. Thank you!  Questions?

19 Warehouse Updates  “Fresh Mornings” Fresh Mornings were instituted to set time specifically for agencies to come get produce. Produce is a precious item for many agencies and almost all clients the Food Bank serves. At this period at the Food Bank, we do not have an abundant amount of produce. If staff feels the Food Bank has too much for normal distribution, Fresh Mornings will come back. As a reminder, Food Bank staff asks agencies not to go into the cooler. Thank you for you patience!

20 Warehouse Updates  “Off the Shelf” Area Please know the Food Bank has staff monitoring the products in this area daily. What product shows up in this area depends what each Sorting Area receives. Also note that the Off the Shelf Area can be cramped for space. A decision was made to remove the boxes by the cooler. Please place your desired items into a cart and Food Bank staff will help you box it up as they weight it out. One new product to the Off the Shelf area is Drink Pouches. Check them out the next time you are in the warehouse!

21 Warehouse Updates  From the Operations Desk: 1. Once you place your order, please check your email again. If you order in the morning, check in the afternoon. If you order in the afternoon, check in the morning. 2. Read your email for important information like confirmed product, changes to your pickup/delivery date or time, and if the Food Bank has any questions for you. 3. Keep a copy of your email. This will help if you add to your order (by letting you know what product you already ordered), and if Food Bank staff had to change your pickup date. 4. Communicate with us if you have any questions about product or your current order.

22 Warehouse Updates  New Agency Number Do you remember what your new agency number is? Please see the example invoice to find where your agency number is. Also, talk to Jennie or Jake on your way out. We can confirm your agency number!

23 P1 Product Updates  In 2013, the Food Bank staff increased the amount of food purchased for the warehouse. This has aided in the variety of products the Food Bank can provide. It also creates a consistent flow of certain items.  During Agency Inspections, Jake gathers information on what product your agency likes to see or have more of on the menu.

24 P1 Product Updates  What are standard purchased items for the Food Bank Warehouse? 1. Corn, Canned 2. Green Beans, Canned 3. Peas and/or Carrots, Canned 4. Fruit, Canned (mainly oranges or pears) 5. Pasta 6. Pasta and/or Tomato Sauce 7. Pancake Mix and Syrup

25 P1 Product Updates  What are items the Food Bank would like to increase through purchasing? 1. Peanut Butter 2. Cereal 3. Soup Varieties 4. Fruit, Canned 5. Canned Meat 6. 100% Juices

26 P1 Product Updates  Why doesn’t the Food Bank just purchase more of those products right now?  The Food Bank of Siouxland has developed relationships with several food sourcing partners, including manufacturers, secondary market warehouses, and food vendors.  To use the Food Bank’s financial resources wisely, and to provide the best benefit to your agency, the Food Bank must weigh product costs, the ability or inability to order certain products, and what is offered from our partners.

27 What did we leave out? Any more Questions? Thank you for your time and for all you do to help the needy in our area!

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